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Alyss POV

Molly rushed us into her home. Sullivan was sitting on the couch sipping on a warm mug of hot cocoa. Our mother offered us some to which each of us politely declined.

Molly read and reread the papers. She couldn't believe her eyes. My sisters and I smiled slightly. Though Molly didn't have anything prepared she was able to make three makeshift beds in her small living room after explaining to us why Sullivan was with her.

Sullivan Lockett, or Sulli as Molly called her was placed in Molly's foster care. Which raised a question to why the three of us weren't placed with her in the first round. Would've saved everyone so much trouble. Might've even saved Annika a bullet in two ways. Though of course out of respect for Molly we didn't ask, because that would be rude and we ended up here all the same. And I know, us and rude are kinda a given but if we acctually care for the person we can be a tad bit less rude. 


"Annika," I whispered. 

"Yeah?" She groaned.

"You should sleep." She groaned lightly. Anna had went to sleep almost an hour ago and I had woken up repeatedly always to find Annika still awake. 

"I am, don't worry."

But she didn't. For the next few days she didn't. She was always awake at night. Thinking about things that couldn't be helped. I didn't even think of it to be a side effect of her bullet wound until one day Annika decided to stay home while Anna and I went out on an milk run for Molly and when we came back she was out cold on the floor. I knew she wouldn't go back to the hospital and that Molly was at work and obviously Sulli was either with her or she was upstairs still sleeping. Either way the girl wouldn't be much help.

While I was trying to figure out what to do next Anna was checking for our sisters pulse. There was one. Good. Before I could get another thought through my head there was a loud gasp for breath and then a low puff of air exhaling from the lungs of my dear sister who had just woken from her short coma. She was struggling to sit up when she stuttered out her words of, "D-don't drink the tea....salt...I need salt."

Anna helped Annika up and walked her to the kitchen where she force fed herself par of a jar of salted anchovies. I was about to sniff the tea and she bolted over to knock the cup from my hand. "No, poison." 

My eyes widened. Who was trying to poison us? Actually it wouldn't surprise me one bit this was the doing of our favorite sniper and his criminal husband or whatever he was that'd be pulling all the little strings as always. Lovely. Little Aryanna dies and suddenly we're the bad guys.


When Molly got home she was confused as to why there was no tea at all in the house. All of the tea bags were poisoned. After Annika was rested enough the three of us dug into her forensics kit and found that the poison wasn't one ever recorded. A new substance. Sounds exactly like something Moriarty would use. It looked like there was a mixture of clhorine and possibly even a new element itself. So it was to the labs to expirement and name this. Turn their creation on them. Something that would really piss off the criminals. Time to write out their new pioson, and take the credit. This could help in our case and it could also show that they can't kill us and that we are always one step ahead.


Alright my friends. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'm kinda runnig out of ideas. I have Ideas, but they don't fit into the sequence of events, so hopefully I'll be able to get past this writers block. So no updates the rest of this month, and sometime in March or April I should be back. 


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