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Anna POV

Tallia sneered at me as we reached the doorway. "Awe aren't you just the cutest thing?" She smiled. "Absolutely adorable," she growled in my ear. "Mark my words little Holmes' you and your sisters will work for me, and you will be the downfall of the great Holmes' name." Tallia's grin made her seem like a very nice pleasant young gal, but since I knew her it seemed terrifying. "I will get you to betray your family. And you know why? Because you are the weakest link."

"Goodbye," I hissed.

Tallia smiled and walked out the door while her heels clicked in a pleasing rhythm adding to the humming beat of the rain. I felt my sisters behind me as I turned to face them. Annika had a lost look upon her face that was rarely seen by any person and Alyss had eyes wide with surprise, worry, and adrenaline. Sherlock appeared behind them seeming in a daze but snapped out of it as the three of us turned to face him. Tallia's words echoed in my ear. What if she was right?

Back in our room I perched my back against the wall and listened to Annika discuss with Alyss a way to save space and give each of the three of us equal room. Alyss worked out the bumps which Annika argued with her over it of course. She was very strong headed.

"Anna what do you think?" Annika asked.

"Hmm...?" I wondered only half listening to the words they had said.

"Loft beds or normal beds?" Alyss said. "You okay Anna? Did Tallia say something to you?"

"No," I assured them, though by Annika's eyes and Alyss' posture I could tell they saw me lying straight through my teeth, and believe me when I say I am a talented liar. My sisters were too. "Loft," I said trying to change the subject.

"Okay. That settles one issue now onto the next. Anna what did she say? Anything important?" Annika said. The worry in her eyes was comforting but it was enough to get me to say. What if it was true? What if this loses their trust whenever it does happen? My sisters are all I have. Sherlock, yeah I have him too but he hasn't been with me through everything like my sisters have. They mean the world to me.

"She told me she would get to us," That wasn't lying actually. I was avoiding certain truths to protect them.

"Okay," Annika smiled. "Now, it's getting late, shall we sleep?"

Alyss and I nodded and rolled out makeshift beds on the floor of John's old room. Alyss was the first to sleep then Annika followed not to long after. I was left awake pondering Tallia's words until they engulfed me into sleep. Not a very pleasant sleep, but a much needed one.

You will be the downfall of the great Holmes' name.

You are the weakest link.

No. I have to be stronger than her. I know how the mind works. I won't fall for her tricks. She's just one of the strings that lead to the spider at the center.

But what if...?


Hey guys, I know you probably hate me for putting Anna through this. @Sherlindsey221B I'm sure you hate me the most so here is my apology. Sorry. So read on I promise it gets better. If your wondering why I posted twice it's because it's @Rawrawesomesauceness' birthday today so I have posted twice in honor of her!


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