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Alyss POV

After we had eaten, Sally had tried to make conversation. Annika rudely excused herself from the table and sauntered off to her new room. "I get the feeling you guys don't like me," Donovan said biting her lips with worry.

"No," Anna started. "We've absolutely love you," She hissed with sarcasm.

I knew that yes, Donovan wasn't the best person in the world. I mean really? Why did we have to get stuck with her as a foster parent? She is rude, and calls our father a freak when he is obviously a genius. Annika had the respect to hold her tongue, surprisingly, but she didn't have to storm off in a haze of anger. Anna's sarcasm was just as bad. We were rude children. Though we never had much person to person experience. We only ever worked with each other, meet with the client and take the case if we thought it was interesting enough. We were home schooled for the most part. We had never set foot into a school, ever.

I picked up my plate and brought it into the sink. Sally smiled at me. "Your really are daughters of the f- er, Sherlock then?" She almost called him the freak. Keep calm Alyss. I nodded. "What must that have been like growing up with him?"

"We were actually raised by our mother who was always on the move, we only saw our father when we visited London," I Said simply. "That was only once or twice a year." I faked a yawn. "Thank you for the uh, food, but I should be getting to bed." I smiled and quickly left the room and ran up the stairs to my room.

Annika's door was open. She was lying awake on her laptop. "Guns, or blog?" I asked. She looked up from the screen, her whole room was dark except for the laptop screen lighting her face, her glasses reflecting the screen. "Guns then," I smiled before she could answer.

"Nothing to write about on the blog," She said and returned to scrolling through pistols. "Anna I think might be updating hers."

Her laptop shut with a soft bang and hit the wooden headboard with a small clatter. Even with out much light I could see her shift on the bed to face the wall. A part of me said to go talk to her while another part warned to stay away. I chose the latter and decided to let Annika have her space. Peaking around Anna's door, she was doing just as Annika had guessed. She was tapping away at the keys on her laptop and would pause to think. Her lips moved to the words that she was typing. I left after shutting her door lightly.

I sat in my room and emailed Sherlock.

Sherlock Holmes,

We arrived at our foster home. Our foster parent is Sally Donovan, no that wasn't a mistake, she really is our foster parent. So far I do not believe that any onf us will get along with her ever. Thankfully we can apply to be transfer into a new foster home in a month. With the paperwork and thing to be filled out I believe John would be able to become a suitable foster parent for us within that time if his papers get accepted. If not I would have no idea in whom we would get as a foster parent.

-Alyss Holmes

I hit send only hoping that he would reply and not discard it like he did to most his emails.

"Lights out girls," Donovan shouted from the base of the stairs. Right. There was going to be more strict rules from now on. We weren't living with Sherlock anymore, so we won't be going by his rules but Donovan's now. We better get used to it, soon.


Guys this has been the longest book I've ever written. If I wasn't getting any reads I probably would've discarded it and forgot all about it. So when I'm saying thank you it's because with out you readers I would have no motivation to continue writing, so thank you guys. I means a lot! Read on!


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