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Alyss POV

"Thanks for the help," Annika huffed clutching her bloody shoulder. Anna's eyes widened at the gash and the visible flesh. "No one tells Sally."

I nodded in agreement as I wrapped her shoulder. "Did you really go voluntarily?"

"What the hell makes you think that?"

"This note," Anna said handing Annika the note. "It's forged but we still couldn't help but wonder," She looked down sheepishly.

Annika winced under the pressure I put on her shoulder. "I'd tell you not to do anything with it but we all know that's not going to happen," That was when she smiled. Her eyes flicked to the table realizing what was there. It was her pistol. Of course if she were breaking in to get hers she would also grab ours so of course we grabbed hers.

Once Annika was changed she darted out of the house. I can't say I didn't blame her. What was surprising is that she went to the mail box. She pulled out one envelope and I suspected there was still more in the box but she came running back with the one in her hand. Quickly she tore it open and read the lavender card inside. She passed it to me. "Don't let Sally find it," This must be important.

It most certainly was. John and Mary's wedding invitation. Did Annika not want to go? No, she's in the wedding, she doesn't want Sally there. Neither did I and I'm sure Anna would agree. I had no intention of telling her and it was clear Annika didn't so I did hide it.

My phone buzzed with a message from John.

Ask Sally if it is ok for Mary to pick you girls up around 8 tonight.-JW

I didn't care what they had planned it was better than being here so as soon as I finished reading the text I just as quickly send one out to her.

John and Mary want to take us out tonight. We won't be home when you get there-AH

I didn't care wheather she would let us go or not. We were going. Maybe we weren't the best kids but honestly you can't expect us to listen after fourteen years of being able to do whatever and not having rules to follow. Annika was quite headstrong but when all of us get it into our heads that we want to do something there is no way that a no would be accepted. Sherlock never told us no he just had requirements, Emma let us do whatever whenever but if we didn't live to her standards that's when the abuse would kick in. Either parent we lived with had both ups and down but here with Sally she basically took away everything that makes the Holmes' triplets the Holmes' triplets. With Annika it was the fact that she didn't tolerate weapons in her house. For Anna it was the restricted computer time. With me it was the fact that she reads over my shoulder as I try to write documents for our recent cases, sure she works for Scotland Yard but I'm pretty sure that she doesn't have the level of clearence that we were working on.

Sally didn't exactly respond quickly as any person anywhere else would. Her reply didn't exactly stick to what we expected either.

I had a special evening planned. Can you guys reschedule?

No we couldn't reschedule, Annika read the text over my shoulder and shook her head. She knew John and Mary would would freak about her shoulder but I knew she couldn't stand being here even more. Anna didn't have to be asked twice about getting out of here, she didn't like being here as much as the rest of us. I shot her a text back trying not to sound rude.

Sorry, they had these plans for a while, can't reschedule -AH

I didn't care, I was going with John and Mary.

Annika sighed loudly holding and ice pack to her shoulder. "John being a doctor is gonna want to look at this," She rolled her eyes and I pictured John's fretting face while Annika would try to push him away. "So when are they picking us up?"

"Eight," I smiled just as I sent a text back to john saying that worked. Anna nodded and began tapping away at her computer."Hey Annika may I ask what exactly happened?"

Annika paused and turned to me. "No," She replied quickly and coldly. I decided to drop it, but it didn't stop me wondering. what happened to her?


Guess who is getting BoO? I'm so excited! Supernatural and Percy Jackson? What better could a day be? Crap. I'm terrified on what might happen. wish me luck! Don't forget names for the mystery girl. Thanks,


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