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Alyss POV

I was the first one awake.

"Tea?" Annika yawned, emerging from the room moments after I had. I was making tea and nodded. "Thanks," She smiled.

Sherlock still hadn't come out when Anna woke up about ten minutes later. Usually he was up before all of us for at least an hour.

"Imma go wake him," I said. It was already seven o'clock and he wasn't up. "I stand corrected, are you going to join us for morning tea? Made it myself," I smiled seeing Sherlock awake sitting cross legged on his bed with his laptop on his lap and his fingers madly typing away at the keys.

He glanced up momentarily and briefly nodded sliding out of bed and following me out of the room. His hair was messy and he was still in his robe. Though I should be one to talk, Anna's hair was still in braids and had bags under her eyes, Annika was in the middle of digging a brush through her ratted bed hair whimpering as a small lock of it came out in her hand - she loves her hair - and I wasn't much better my hair was proofed out a mile from my head and my mismatched pj shorts and tank looked as if they had seen better days. Sherlock laughed at seeing how unprofessional each of us looked. I poured him a cup of tea and we all sat round in the living room watching the sun finish rising over London city.

"So today Alyss what do you wish to do?" Sherlock asked as I was already I deep though narrowing down my list.

I knew that this was going to sound cheesy but it was what I wanted to do and Sherlock did say anything. "Well, could we go to the morgue for a while, we could stay there and conduct experiments or come back here with the supplies and do some," I smiled. Annika I knew rolled her eyes expecting my response, though she was behind me I could tell because of the smirk plastered on Anna's face.

Sherlock was already out the door hailing a cab. I smiled brightly seeing as Annika snickered muttering something that sounded close to "Go figure."


At the morgue Molly greeted us happily but her bright smile faded when Sherlock asked for the supplies. Though she did give them to us it took a bit of bargaining. It really didn't take much. Sherlock agreed to go have coffee with her Friday. It was a fairly obvious bargain but a bargain none the less. When I said Sherlock agreed it was Anna who said he would and Annika digging her heal in his foot when he tried to protest.

"Ouch," Annika hissed when we walked away with the supplies. She looked up at Sherlock, "What was that for?"

"Why'd you stomp on my foot?" He challenged back smirking.

"Why can't you just be nice to Molly?" She growled in response. I failed to hold in a small childish giggle which Annika glared back with her normal snarky attitude slid into check when Anna whispered something in her ear and she grumbled, "Fine."

Anna sped and fell into pace with me, "What did you tell her?" I asked. Anything that could shut Annika up would be a useful tool.

"I just told her not to ruin our last few days with our father," she smiled. Smart. Annika was all about family.


After about a half hour back at the flat Annika had opened the door to John. "Sherlock?" he said coming into the kitchen where Anna and I were sorting body parts on the counter behind Sherlock and Annika was placing the parts into the fridge or wherever else it would be best suited they be placed.

"What was the noise downstairs?" Anna asked signaling for Annika and I to follow her out while Sherlock and John talked.

"Uh, Mrs. Hudson laughing."

"Sounded like she was torturing and owl," Annika smirked passing John and joining Anna and I in the living room.

John looked at her annoyed, "Well it was laughter."

"Could've been both," I pointed out.

He ignored me and turned his attention towards Sherlock. "Busy?"

"Just occupying myself," Sherlock replied holding a blowtorch to an eyeball. "Sometimes it's so hard not smoking," he said sarcastically as the eyeball fell in his cup of tea.

"Mind if I interrupt?"

"Be my guest. Tea?"

John shook his head with an awkward glance. "So the big question. The best man."

"The best man?"

"What do you think?"

"Billy Kincaid."

"Sorry what?"

"Billy Kincaid," Sherlock repeated. Annika was giggling and Anna smacked her forehead while I rolled my eyes. He was clueless. "The Camden Garroter. Best man I ever knew. Vast contributions to charity, never disclosed." John frowned as he continued, "Personally managed to save three hospitals from closer and ran the best and safest children's homes in north England. Yes, every now and again there'd be some garrotings, but stacking up the lives saved against the garrotings, on balance I'd say-"

"For my wedding. For me. I need a best man," John interrupted over mine and my sisters uncontrollable laughing.

"Oh, right."

"Maybe not a Garroter."



"Gavin Lestrade," Sherlock said. Again I say my father is clueless despite the fact that he is the worlds greatest detective. "He's a man and good at it."

"It's Greg, and not my best friend," John said glancing back at us with an is he serious right now look. I shrugged, it was too amusing to interrupt.

Eventually John explained that he wanted Sherlock to be the best man. Oh dear I wonder how he'll do. He'll probably make some arrogant speech. I could almost picture it. Let's just hope it goes better than what I pictured.

After John had left Annika was the first to speak up. "It's okay? let me try," She said picking up Sherlock's tea cup and taking a small sip. "Hmm, not bad."

I rolled my eyes and took a sip when she pushed the cup in my face. It wasn't actually bad at all.

The day ended after three small chemical explosions and a minor kitchen fire. Annika laughed when Anna's blouse caught fire and I sprayed the fire extinguisher over her. We may have needed a new stove but our results were worth it, besides when did any of us cook? Sherlock had to run to a few places later in the evening while us three stayed home, I chose a few board games to play. Cluedo. We never played with Sherlock because although his assumptions would make much more sense than the actual answers it was just part of the game that the victim just could never have done it.


So I started school today. Brand new high school for grades 9-12 I'm super excited for the rest of the year. I think I'm going to post on Saturdays for my time. I'm not sure what time of day probably around noonish for me. I'm in the central US time for those if you who are not in my time zone I'm not doing the math to figure out what time it would be fire you guys so yeah. And when dance season starts, sorry but I think I will be posting less, I really don't want to have to but if it becomes too much that is what would have to happen, I'm sorry guys. Anyways the only time I won't be here this month that I can think of is September 26-29 but if anything comes up I'll keep you guys posted. Keep on reading!


P.S. I kinda just realized. Real people are reading my writing. I must not be as crappy as I thought. Thanks guys. It makes me happy every time I go up just one read. So let me know you are reading cause I love getting comments and feedback.

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