"So what, you are from the future?" Barry questions himself. Standing before him, in his old house where he is currently living, is a man who looks like him, only slightly older. "Why are you here then?" Barry questions confused. The old Wells got on to him many times for messing with time and he knows that the only reason his future self would interfere is if it was something drastic.
"Well I sort of messed something up," future Barry runs his hands through his hair, "and I'm back to fix it." Past Barry looks at his younger self deeply confused, "so you're saying I messed something up? Because if you need to fix something that happened in this time, right now, then it's me that..." Past Barry is cut off by a hard object connecting with his skull then everything is black.
• • •
"Damn, I was annoying," I whisper as I stare at my past self who I just knocked unconscious. "Come on Barry," I start as I pick up my feet, well his feet, and drag him to my old closet, "you chase after the wrong girl...you then preceded to tell that wrong girl your feelings all too late, and then you marry her after her fiancé dies because of you...and then you completely ignore the one right before you." Pushing my younger self into the fetal position I slam the door. "You may not realize it now, but I'm doing you a favor."
Past me just went into the speed force to save Wally and Caitlin is now Killer Frost. Running to S.T.A.R. Labs I begin an alternate timeline.
"Barry!" Iris says breathlessly as I appear next to her. She begins to go for a kiss but I step back, effectively dodging her kiss. "Aren't you supposed to be at the C.C.P.D.?" She asks furrowing her brows. She knows something is different. I easily set her mind on something else, Savitar. In the future I save Iris., that is definite, no matter my feeling nothing will ever happen to her. She will always be my first love. In one timeline we are married and another we are not, but I am still not with the women I love.
Leaving Iris to her thoughts I seek out Julian. Julian, becomes a close friend and a supporter of my feelings, in both timelines, he urged me to tell her. But neither timeline worked so here I am in the past hoping to fix what went wrong.
I can save Iris and get the girl."Julian," I announce my presence so as not to frighten him. Peering at something in front of him. "Barry," he answers mockingly. Smiling I remember a time even now that his snarling attitude sparked rage in me but now I'm as used it. "I need to find Caitlin."
Julian told me that Caitlin was exactly where I knew she would be, but there are some things that must be done in order to protect the timeline. Running up to the building I brace myself for what comes next.
Every time I see her my fast beating heart speeds up even more that I fear it will phase out of my chest. She is decked out in her Killer Frost attire. "Flash?" She questions with her back to me, "He told me that you would find me," she mocks knowing that in this timeline Barry Allen doesn't know who Savitar is. Taking a step closer to her she turns taking in my appearance. "No suit?" "I have to be the Flash to talk to you?" I ask. Thrown off a little I take the chance, "my time remnant might have you under his spell but let me tell you that it doesn't matter if you are Killer Frost or Caitlin Snow you always have me, just as you have me as The Flash and Barry Allen."
Shocked she asks "How do you know that?" "Savitar may know what Barry Allen is going to do but he doesn't know what this Barry Allen's future holds." Her blue eyes betray her shock, "you time traveled?? How many times have I-" she cuts herself off. Seeing the battle in her mind I place a comforting hand on her cheek. "I came to fix what I messed up." Resting my head on hers I whisper, "I came for you Caitlin. I came to make sure my past self didn't repeat my mistake. I came to ensure that you fall in love with me too."
The Flash Oneshots
FanfictionA collection of unedited oneshots centered around Barry Allen. Brewing Flair Awards - 1st Place Fanfiction All works are mine. Do not copy and paste. If you find my work somewhere else please message me. ⚠️ I do not own the Flash or any of the CW...