Chapter 29

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Shawn's pov:
"Taylor I'm going to be fine," I groan out in pain.
Taylor comes over and sit by me.
"Just hold onto me babe, we're taking an emergency landing," he sighed," do you want me to rub your back?"
I nod my head and rest my head on his lap. His hands make a small circles on my lower back and I close my eyes as my pain subsides for a bit.
"Taylor, I'm going to that awards show, we're landing in LA," I mumble.
"Nope, we're landing in Denver," he stated.
I feel another sharp pain go through my back and I exhale sharply.
"Taylor it's getting worse," I say with a few tears falling out my eyes," Taylor what if I die, what would you do with the twins?"
"Shawn you won't die, that's not even a possibility," he reassures.
He looks into my eyes and I see them fill with sorrow. I can't tell him the truth now.
"Shawn please tell me," he begs.
I swallow my guilt and tell him.
"Lately, well when you and I were separated, I've been having seizures. It's a thing called Eclampsia," I confess.
Taylor looks at me with sadness in his eyes.
"Shawn I can't lose you," his voice breaks.
"You'll never be alone Taylor," I smile.
Taylor grabs my hand and continues to hold it till we land.
"Alright Shawn, you're dilated 9cm, which means you're ready to push," Dr.Grey said.
She adjusts my legs in the stirrups and put on a pair of gloves.
"Shawn, I need to go over the complications of a male birth again," she explains," well in your case, the worst case scenario is that you'll have a seizure during birth and that can result in a coma or cardiac or even both."
Taylor swallows hard and looks at me," I think we're both ready for this," Taylor chokes out.
He intertwines my hand with his as Dr.Grey says as she tells me to push on the next contraction.
"Alright Shawn, push now," she directs me.
I push on my contraction and I squeeze Taylor's hand.
"Taylor I'm not sure if I can do this," I huff out of breath.
"Shawn hold on for me please," he pleaded,"it's just the first push."
Dr.Grey tells me to push again and I groan out in pain as I push my hardest.
"I'm going to barf," I tell Dr.Grey and she orders a nurse to bring me a bed side pan. I release the contents of my stomach into it and Taylor looks at me with a worried look on his face.
"Taylor I'm totally fine," I fake a smile, knowing this might be my final time with Taylor.
Taylor's pov:
"Alright Shawn I see the head," Dr.Grey smiles.
I see Shawn look over and give me a weak smile.
"Just three more pushes Shawn," Dr.Grey, explains.
"Alright," he rasp out.
I can tell Shawn's tired, but he keeps telling me he's fine.
Dr.Grey tells Shawn to push again. He pushes for a long time and Dr.Grey tells him to stop.
"Taylor, have I ever told you how much I love you. Thank you for being there for me," he weakly says.
"Alright Shawn, the body is half was out. If you push really hard on this she can be out," Dr.Grey says.
Shawn pushes his last time and squeezes my hand tight.
The room is filled with cries of our baby girl. A nurse in purple scrubs carries the baby to Shawn.
She places him in her arms and Shawn looks up to me.
"Taylor, she's perfect," he smiles," she looks like an Emily Noyes."
I wrap my arm around him and look into his eyes. We stay like that till Shawn starts to shake violently.
Dr.Grey rushes over and grabs Emily from him. I'm back up from the bed and try to calm Shawn down. His hand goes limp as the heart monitor starts to flat line.
"Some one get me an intubation tube," Dr.Grey yells," Also get him out of here."
"Shawn no," I scream as I nurse removes me from the room.
She close the door and proceeds to go back and help Dr.Grey with intubating Shawn and giving him CPR.
I slide my back down the wall as I start to cry.
"I can't lose Shawn, he's the love of my life."

My Perfect Mistake|| Shaylor Mpreg {NOT EDITED}Where stories live. Discover now