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"How long until he can come home?" Namjoon asked the doctor, it was a stupid question that didn't deserve an answer but it's worth a try. The doctors eyes dropped to the clipboard resting in is hands, either in an attempt to avoid eye contact or he's actually reading Jungkook's charts.

Jungkook has been in the hospital for a week now and he's not getting better, if anything he's getting worse.

"I'd have to ask his therapist and get her opinion. In the meantime maybe talk to Jungkook, see if he wants to go home." The doctor patted Namjoon's shoulder awkwardly before walking away. Namjoon turned around and smiled weakly at the rest of the members, each of them anxious in their seats. "What did he say?" Yoongi asked as he rubbed circles on Hoseok's back.

"He said he's going to ask Jungkook's therapist but he said we should try and ask Jungkook if he wants to come home."

Yoongi scoffed at Namjoon's words, the idea of Jungkook actually communicating made him laugh. Jungkook hasn't said a word to them ever since Taehyung touched his hand. Yoongi knows Taehyung didn't mean any harm but he couldn't help the grudge that he's holding against him.

"I'll talk to him." Jin stated before standing up and walking into the white room. Jungkook was sitting on the bed with a coloring book in his lap, it reminded Jin of a toddler. Jungkook was clutching the black crayon in his hand and smudging it all over the page, completely ruining the once happy picture.

Jungkook froze when the crayon suddenly snapped in his hand and it was as if something snapped inside him too. Because out of nowhere Jungkook started to cry, silently, his body so exhausted it couldn't even produce noise. Jin just stood there and watched because he doesn't know how to approach Jungkook anymore, doesn't know how to approach this stranger. Jungkook looked up at Jin through his blue tinted glasses and for a split second Jin almost recognized him, but that feeling was quickly wiped away when he stared into the youngers eyes. There were so empty, they looked like they belonged to a corpse, not a living breathing boy.

Jin pushed his emotions to the side and forced on a smile, which Jungkook didn't reciprocate. "Hi kookie, whatcha drawing?" He asked and Jungkook dropped his gaze to the ruined picture and snapped crayon.

"Anything could trigger him so please choose your words carefully" Jungkook's therapist had warned them and Jin was worried that he might've said something wrong.

"How do you feel?" Jin asked, deciding to try and change the subject but Jungkook didn't take the bait. He continued to stare at the black smudges and broken crayon while tears dripped from his chin and onto the paper.

"It b-broken." Jungkook finally mumbled and the messy words broke Jin's heart. What could've happened to him in those 2 months that forced Jungkook's brain to reverse. "I can get you a new one." Jin said, trying desperately not to let his voice waver. Jungkook looked up and narrowed his eyes at Jin, as if he was trying to remember something important or trying to form a sentence.

"J-Jin?" Jungkook questioned and it felt like someone shot Jin in the heart. Because Jungkook was having a hard time remembering his name, what if he was having a hard time remembering other things?

"Y-yeah it's me." Jin responded shakily because he couldn't help it, he thought he could be strong but Jungkook made him weak. Jungkook didn't say anything and returned his attention to the ruined coloring book.

"Jungkook do you want to come home?" Jin blurted out and immediately regretted it because the look of terror on Jungkook's face spoke a thousand words.

"N-no......n-no." Jungkook started to babble, repeating the word 'no' and Jin had no clue what to do. He doesn't know how to comfort Jungkook without touching him, he probably wouldn't even listen if he tried to comfort him with words.

A sick lump was forming in Jin's stomach as he walked out of the whitewashed room, avoiding the curious stares from the guys.

"What did he say?" Jimin asked, his voice was laced with optimism and Jin didn't have the heart to stay around and crush his spirit. "He said no." Jin whispered before walking away, because he was going to be sick.

Jimin's optimism left his body as he slumped into the uncomfortable waiting room chair. He wanted to cry, burst into tears and let Jungkook cradle him in his strong arms, like the good old times. But that's not possible anymore, Jungkook's gone, and he's never coming back. "He'll be fine Jimin." Namjoon reassured him with a pat on the head and a weak smile that screamed 'I'm lying.' Jimin nodded but he didn't smile, he can't lie, he's dying inside.

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