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Jungkook pov
I hate eyes. They're all staring at me as I walk through those one way doors. I feel naked as I walk down the whitewashed hallway, everyone's eyes trained on me, because it's not everyday a former idol is thrown into prison. For murdering their own bandmate.

You belong here Jungkook. You've always belonged here, with Lee.

I nodded and continued to let the nurse guide me through the maze of white. Besides the annoying hum of the fluorescent lights lining the ceiling. The sharp stench of bleach was far worse and it almost made me forget Taehyung's scent, almost. I could still vaguely smell the spicy cologne he'd always wear or the soft detergent he'd wash his clothes in. He smelled like home, but this is my home now. So I better get used to the annoying hum of fake lights and potent smell of bleach.

"Here's your mansion." The nurse joked when we suddenly stopped in front of a white door. I finally took in my surroundings and realized we were in a hallway lined with white doors. Each white door had a thick metal lock and a window cut into it. The window was about the length and width of a shoe box, definitely too small for a body to fit through. Suddenly the nurse shoved my back and sent me stumbling forward into the small room. My knees landed on the padded floor and the nurse chuckled before slamming the thick white door. The click of the metal lock echoed in my ears along with the receding footsteps of the nurse. I'm never getting out of here.

You don't deserve to get out of here.

"My my my, what do we have here?"

My head snapped up at the sound of a voice that wasn't inside my head. Fear coursed through my veins as I stared into the sunken eyes of a boy. He looked young, probably my age, but his eyes looked like they belonged to a Vietnam veteran.

"W-who are you?" I asked, fear keeping my body anchored to the padded floor. The raven haired male smirked and crouched down in front of me, his sunken eyes staring straight into my soul. "The names Yugyeom and you're Jungkook. The BTS maknae that was raped, kidnapped, tortured, diagnosed with schizophrenia, and then finally killed his own bandmate." Yugyeom smiled then suddenly grabbed my hair and forced my head onto the floor. Without the use of my arms I was completely helpless, nothing but a toy for Yugyeom to play with.

You've always been helpless. You deserve this Jungkook, this is your punishment.

"Let me go!" I yelled but I didn't try to escape. Yugyeom laughed and dragged my head dangerously close to his clothed crotch. "No!" I cried and this time I tried to escape. My scalp stung as I pulled against Yugyeom's grip and the more I pulled the tighter his grip became. "Please let me go!" I sobbed, hot salty tears glazing over my eyes. Yugyeom scoffed and with his other hand he started to pull down the hem of his white sweatpants. "You're mine now Jungkook. My little bitch." Yugyeom grunted as he forced down his underwear along with his pants. Yugyeom's already hard cock slapped against his stomach and the sight made me want to vomit. Not again, this can't happen to me again.

You deserve this Jungkook. You killed Yoongi and this is your punishment!

"No! Someone help me! Please!" I screamed, I don't know how many times I've said those words. Yugyeom laughed, "these rooms are soundproof for us crazy people. Nobody can hear your screams."

Yugyeom took his cock in his hand and guided it towards my mouth. I pressed my lips together in a tight line and tried to pull away but Yugyeom was strong, just like Lee. My eyes screwed shut when the swollen head of Yugyeom's cock brushed over my lips. "Open your mouth bitch!" He growled then tried again to force his cock into my mouth. I gagged at the feeling but kept my lips sealed, the salty taste of Yugyeom's cock still managing to taint my tongue. All of a sudden Yugyeom released my hair, only to grab my throat and squeeze. I gasped when the air was squeezed out of me, giving Yugyeom the perfect opportunity to shove his cock into my mouth.

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