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Yoongi pov
"Can you make the pain go away?" Jungkook asked and he sounded so hurt, so broken. He's vulnerable and I can't take advantage of him. "How kookie?" I asked, our faces still inches apart, his lips brushing mine. Jungkook was silent except for the warm puffs of breath that slipped past his lips, those lips, they're sinful. "T-touch me." Jungkook whimpered before crashing our lips together again.

A pain exploded in my chest along with butterflies in my stomach. Jungkook was almost raped today, at least that's what Jimin says. I can't do this, Jungkook doesn't know what he's talking about.

With shaky movements Jungkook climbed further into my lap until he was straddling me, his once muscular thighs on either side of my own. Jungkook's thighs were almost as skinny as mine, he needs to eat more. "Please hyung." Jungkook whispered, his lips lingering on mine as he took heavy breaths. Despite Jungkook's pleading I kept my hands away from his tempting thighs because this is wrong, he's delusional. "Jungkook I can't." I sighed and the look on his face made my heart ache. Fat tears slipped down Jungkook's cheeks and his bottom lip quivered. "W-why not?" He whimpered, his hips shifting slightly and the action made heat pool in my stomach.

Ever since debut I've had feelings for Jungkook but I suppressed them because it's wrong. It's wrong to love your dongsaeng who's four years younger than you. It's wrong to love someone so innocent, so pure. But Jungkook isn't pure or innocent anymore, he had his innocence stolen from him. Jungkook's never made love, he's never enjoyed being touched, he's never felt pleasure from someone else. And I plan on changing that.

Without saying a word I caressed Jungkook's thighs and stopped at his ass, I gripped the plump flesh and kneaded it gently. Jungkook gasped and his body tensed but he didn't move away. Jungkook draped his arms on my shoulders and buried his face in my neck, nuzzling the skin there like a bunny. "I-I love you." Jungkook panted into my neck and rocked his hips against my stomach, a noticeable hardness forming in his pants. I tilted my head back and basked in Jungkook's words, even though I know he didn't mean it. My breath stuttered when Jungkook used those silky lips to suck a hickey on my exposed neck. That's going to be a bitch to hide but I'll worry about that later.

I gripped Jungkook's ass harder when he started to rut against my stomach, cute whines slipping from those silky lips in response. "H-hyung." He gasped into my ear, his hips stuttering slightly. "Yes bunny?" I groaned, not even registering the pet name I just called him. Jungkook whined and placed an open mouth kiss to my ear, "I-I'm c-close."

My dick throbbed after hearing that but I nodded and used my grip on his ass to help him. I pushed Jungkook's groin closer to me, his dick twitching at the sudden pressure. "Mmm ah!" Jungkook moaned and it was beautiful. More beautiful than any music I've ever heard. With a jolt of his hips Jungkook cried shakily and released in his pants. I was shocked he came like that, completely untouched, but then I remembered everything he's been through. I hope Lee burns in hell for making Jungkook so sensitive.

Jungkook's body went limp as he lied motionless in my lap, heavy and shaky breathing the only sound in the otherwise silent room. "I'm sorry hyung..so sorry." Jungkook sobbed and suddenly his limp body came to life with tremors. I slid my hands up Jungkook's back and pulled him into a hug, "you're fine Jungkook, please don't apologize."

Jungkook didn't listen and pushed away from me, his back landing on the bed as he stared at me with red rimmed eyes. "I'm d-dirty...my body is dirty." He whispered, the words filled with hatred that was directed to himself. I leaned forward and caged Jungkook with my arms, leaving little to no space between our faces. "Jeon Jungkook you are not dirty and I love you too, sorry for not answering earlier." I said before closing the gap between our lips. Jungkook responded eagerly, his lips parting enough for my tongue to slip in and taste every inch of him. Jungkook's fingers fisted my shirt as our tongues danced in each other's mouths. Gently I parted our lips and gasped for breath, a small smile tugging at the corners of my swollen lips as Jungkook trailed after me. "You're so needy." I joked and it made Jungkook blush a beautiful pastel pink, it matched his lips.

"Only for you." He whispered, that beautiful pastel pink turning into a rosey red. I smiled and reconnected our lips because I couldn't resist them, they're my drug. Jungkook seemed to feel the same way because the kiss was sloppy, nothing but clashing teeth and tongue. I froze when something cupped my erection, the hand was shaking and hesitant but experienced with its movements. The thought made my stomach drop because Jungkook learned that from Lee.

"Jungkook." I groaned between kisses, his hand still expertly kneading my cock. Jungkook ignored me and tried to connect our lips again but I pulled away. His hand froze and dropped onto the bed while a darker red consumed his face. "Jungkook you don't have to touch me." I cooed, I wasn't mad and I needed him to understand that. Jungkook frowned, his eyelids drooping slightly, but he moved to try and kiss me again. I chuckled at his sloppy attempt but gave into his wishes and kissed him back. I could feel Jungkook's body drifting into sleep just by the way his lips moved slower. I broke the kiss, gave him a quick peck, then manuavered us under the blankets. Jungkook didn't protest, instead he snuggled into my chest and nuzzled my neck, just like a bunny.

"I love you." He sighed as sleep claimed his body. My heart ached because deep down I knew it wasn't true, he can't love me. "I love you too Jungkook and whatever happens, I'll always protect you."

(Oh shit, double update because why not😂)

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