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"What do you mean I tried to kill myself? How did I give Taehyung the black eye?! When did all this happen!?" Jungkook gasped, his heart beating so fast that he thought it was going to explode. Taehyung grimaced, he didn't like seeing Jungkook like this, it wasn't like him. "Jungkook calm down, it wasn't your fault." Taehyung said in a soothing voice but Jungkook wasn't listening. He was listening to the voices.

"How long have I been in here?!" Jungkook asked but knowing the answer terrified him. "Two weeks kookie," Yoongi sighed, "after you attacked Taehyung you tried to jump off the building but the nurses caught you."

Jungkook couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't want to believe what he was hearing. He doesn't even remember that day, he doesn't remember attacking Taehyung or trying to jump. That day is nothing but a cloudy blur.

"I don't remember." Jungkook sobbed as he sank down to the floor. The weight of everyone's words crushing his fragile body. "I'm sorry...I don't remember." Jungkook whimpered, the cynical voice in his head reminding him how pathetic he is. Jungkook wanted to die, he truly wanted to die. "Those stupid nurses should've let me fall." Jungkook whispered, so softly that the guys didn't hear it, except for Yoongi. Yoongi turned away from Jungkook and blinked his eyes rapidly, he can't cry, he doesn't cry. Yoongi knew Jungkook was suicidal but he'll never get used to hearing those words leaving the maknaes mouth.

"Jungkook please stop crying, we're here to take you home." Namjoon cooed. Jungkook looked up so fast he thought he'd given himself whiplash. "Really?" He asked, he just wanted to leave this terrible place. Namjoon smiled and nodded, "yes kookie but you have to promise us something."

Jungkook's eyes widened as he nodded eagerly, agreeing to whatever Namjoon was going to say. "You have to promise us to take your special pills, because if you don't they'll keep you here." Namjoon's speech was slow because he knew Jungkook was going to need some time to process his words. Jungkook blinked and stared at his hyungs hopeful faces, except for Yoongi, who had his back facing him. Jungkook didn't like the idea of taking pills, crazy people take meds everyday. And he isn't crazy, right?

You're sick Jungkook. The cynical voice reminded him, nothing but a fucked up schizophrenic.

Jungkook frowned, even his hyungs think he's crazy. "Do you guys think I'm crazy?" Jungkook asked, his words going straight to the members hearts. "No kookie but the pills are supposed to help you. You'll feel better after taking them, we promise." Jin stated. Promises are made to be broken and Jungkook's sick of them breaking on him. "Jungkook..please just take the fucking pills." Yoongi sneered but his eyes held an emotion that the maknaes never seen before. Namjoon was about to scold Yoongi for talking to Jungkook like that but stopped when the youngest cleared his throat. "I'll take the pills, I promise." He'd do anything for Yoongi.

The members smiled, even Yoongi. "Okay, me and Namjoon are going to go check Jungkook out. Taehyung and Jimin please go pick up Jungkook's meds. And Yoongi, Hoseok, go with Jungkook to help him change." Once Jin was done giving orders he grabbed Namjoon's arm and led him out of the visiting room. Taehyung and Jimin gave Jungkook fake smiles before leaving through a different door. Jungkook flinched when he felt hands on his arm, why are people always trying to touch him? He turned around and glared at Hoseok, who immediately released him arm.

"Sorry kookie, I-I forgot. Come on stand up." Hoseok mumbled. Jungkook immediately felt bad for glaring at his hyung, he didn't deserve this kind of behavior. None of his hyungs did. "Sorry hyung." Jungkook apologized as he stood up, his legs shaky from nerves. Hoseok shrugged, "it's fine Jungkook, let's go get your clothes."

Jungkook you make everyone upset. The cynical voice sneered.

Jungkook bowed his head as he followed Yoongi and Hoseok. He couldn't argue with the voice because he knew it was true. Everyone must hate him. He was better off with Lee.

Jungkook let Yoongi and Hoseok lead him into his squishy room, a folded stack of clothes lying on the white bed. "I'm going to take this off, okay?" Yoongi asked, he wanted to rip the strait-jacket off of Jungkook the instant he saw the younger. Jungkook isn't crazy, he'd like to find the bastard that put it on him.

"Okay." Jungkook whispered. He didn't care if Yoongi touched him, he wanted this stupid strait-jacket off already. Because he's not crazy, right?

Jungkook you're a fucked up schizophrenic, remember that. The cynical voice growled. Jungkook nodded in submission, he won't forget.

With shaky hands Yoongi undid the buckles that were holding the jacket together. With each buckle his anger increased, how could they do this to Jungkook? He spent two months of his life locked up by some psychopath and now they're locking him up again. Once the buckles were all loose Yoongi grabbed the white jacket and yanked it off of the younger, revealing Jungkook's bare chest.

Hoseok gasped and covered his mouth with his hands in shock. Jungkook's eyes filled with burning tears as he tried to hide his disgusting body from his hyungs but it was no use, they've seen every scar. "I'm s-sorry." Jungkook whimpered, his shoulders hunching forward making him look even more sickeningly skinny.

Your body is disgusting Jungkook. The cynical voice taunted.

Jungkook's knees buckled and his suddenly heavy body sank to the padded floor. He never wanted his hyungs to see him, he didn't want to scar them with his body. Jungkook gasped when he felt something soft press against his mangled back. He looked up through his bangs and froze when he saw Yoongi smiling at him. "Jungkook there's nothing wrong with your body." Yoongi cooed and that's when Jungkook realized that soft thing against his back was Yoongi's lips. Jungkook stiffened when he felt something else soft touch his back but he relaxed once he realized it was his shirt.

"Come on Jungkook, let's get you dressed so we can go home." Hoseok said as he held Jungkook's clothes out for him. Jungkook nodded and wiped away the stubborn tears. He couldn't look at Yoongi as he got dressed. Because he wanted Yoongi to kiss him again.

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