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Jungkook pov
"Hyung....Yoongi?" I whispered, my fingers slowly peeling off of Yoongi's cold and bruising skin. He didnt respond, instead he continued to stare at the ceiling with those glassy eyes, stray tears still dripping into his hairline. "Yoongi!" I screamed when realization finally hit me. I killed Yoongi, I killed my hyung! I threw myself off of Yoongi's body and onto the scratchy carpet, where I struggled to get air into my lungs. The stiff fibers of the carpet parted around my fingers as I dug them into the ground. The hallway was spinning and I needed to hold on to something, anything.

"Hyung! Yoongi hyung! No!" My screaming was echoing off the walls and it was only a matter of time before someone came and arrested me for murder. That's what I am, I'm a murderer, a sick and twisted murderer that should be dead.

"What's going on here? Are you okay sir?" A deep voice spoke from somewhere in the hall. I rested my forehead on the carpet and let the burning tears flow. Ignoring the thud of footsteps and voices circling me, trapping me.

You're a terrible person Jungkook. You should kill yourself.

"I should kill myself." I whispered into the carpet. "What did you say? What's going on here?" The person continued asking. I didn't answer and instead bolted down the hallway. Blood was pounding in my ears and the thud of footsteps were trailing after me.

Run Jungkook. Run to the roof.

"Hey stop!" A deeper voice yelled from behind me. They called the cops, I'm going to be arrested. My legs were burning as I ran down the endless hallway, desperately searching for something, anything to kill myself with. Through my blurred vision I could see a door at the end of the hall. On the door was a sign, it said rooftop. Perfect, that's perfect.

Keep running Jungkook.

"Stop! This is the police!" The deep voice boomed from behind me. The thundering footsteps were getting louder and I could practically feel their hands grabbing me. Dragging me onto the floor and handcuffing me, because I killed him. I killed Yoongi.

My hands were slick with sweat as I tried to open the white door. "P-please...please." I sobbed as my shaky hands fumbled with the knob. "Freeze!" The cops yelled, there voices loud and intimidating. They sound like Lee. I'm just like Lee. Finally the door opened and I stumbled forward into the metal staircase. A strangled cry tore through my throat when a sharp pain exploded in my arm. But I didn't have time to examine the injury, so I scrambled to my feet and bolted up the rusty staircase. With each step the voices got louder and the throbbing pain in my arm got worse. I can't stop, I can't stay in the world.

You're almost there Jungkook. Just a little farther.

"Stop running or we'll shoot!" The booming voices growled like rapid wolves. Keep running. Keep climbing. Being shot might not be that bad, I deserve it. I felt like throwing up as I continued to climb the rickety stairs. My stomach was twisting into painful knots, my lungs were begging for air, and my head was throbbing as if someone hit me with a hammer. I just want to die. I want to fly off this godforsaken building and never come back.

Once I reached the top of the stairs I gripped the equally rusty door nob and that's when I noticed the blood dripping down my arm. A huge cut was running down my arm and covering my pale skin in the sickeningly red liquid. "I deserve this." I threw the rusty door open and tumbled onto the roof.

Almost there Jungkook.

I dragged my body onto its feet and tripped over to the concrete ledge, the only thing separating me from death. "Stop! Put your hands in the air!" The cops yelled but I wasn't listening. The heartbeat pounding in my ears was louder. I can still feel Yoongi's delicate neck underneath my hands. I can still feel the way his body went cold or the way his windpipe snapped. I always thought Yoongi was cold and unbreakable...but I was wrong.

My finger tips brushed the cool surface of the concrete ledge before something sharp shot into my back. I stiffened as surges of electricity shot through my body and into my very bones. The hard concrete roof suddenly collided with my head as my body convulsed with every surge of electricity. They tazed me, why couldn't they just shoot me. Breathing was suddenly difficult and my once blurry vision was nothing but darkness. Maybe I will die. The only thing I could hear were muffled voices and the only thing I could feel were calloused hands grabbing me. Violating my body with every touch, but I deserve this. I deserve the worst punishment Lee could give me, I deserve death.

(Sorry for the slow updates also sorry for the shitty chapter. I'm not very good at writing scenes with a lot of action. Omo This story is almost over😢aghhh! I Love you guys😂💙)

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