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Jungkook pov
I couldn't relax as Lee helped me into what I think is a bathtub. The hot water burned my cuts and skin as I sat down in the porcelain tub, the scalding water reaching my bloody nipples. I wonder what the water looks like, I bet it's turning a murky red from all my blood.

"This is a reward, because you've been such a good boy lately." Lee cooed as he poured some of the scalding water on my head. I didn't feel safe, he could drown me and I wouldn't be able to do anything. Maybe drowning wouldn't be so bad.

"How do you feel baby?" Lee asked, his calloused hands rubbing something that smelled sweet all over my chest and back. I wanted to tell him I was in pain, excruciating pain, I wanted to beg him to take me out of the burning water. But I couldn't, so I cried. I let the tears flow down my cheeks, most of them soaking into the leather blindfold. "Why are you crying baby boy?" Lee asked as if he was actually clueless. He knows why I'm crying, he's the reason.

"You better stop crying princess, or else I'll make you stop."

Lee's threat didn't scare me or maybe it did, because I started crying harder. Choked sobs slipped past the gag and echoed off of the bathroom walls. "Jungkook stop crying." Lee groaned, he sounded like an annoyed parent. I didn't listen and continued to cry, everything hurt to much and I couldn't take it, why won't Lee kill me!

I gasped when two big hands pressed against my scarred chest and shoved me under the water. Burning water rushed into my nose and into my open mouth, filling my lungs like they were water balloons. I don't want to drown anymore. I gagged and gasped for air once Lee finally lifted me out of the water, only to shove me back under a few seconds later. I don't remember how long that went on, all I know is that it didn't make me stop crying.

When I woke up I was gasping for air. I could still feel the water sloshing in my lungs, and the burning in my nostrils and esophagus. I sat up and tried to wipe away the salty tears blurring my vision but something stopped me. Am I wearing a strait-jacket? I wasn't in my usual hospital room either. This room had no windows, no furniture except for the white bed, and only one door with a small slit in it. Why am I in here? Why am I being restrained? Where's Taehyung?! Where are my hyungs!

They left you Jungkook. They couldn't handle you anymore.

"Hyungs!" I cried as I tumbled out of the bed. I wanted to scream when I landed on the soft padded ground, they locked me in a crazy person room! I'm not crazy! "I'm not crazy!" I screamed, my throat horse and dry. My legs were jelly as I stumbled towards the padded door, maybe it's unlocked, maybe this is just a sick joke and they'll let me out.

This isn't a joke Jungkook. You're crazy and your hyungs finally had enough of it.

"Let me out! Taehyung! Anybody!" I sobbed, my heavy body collapsing against the squishy white door. Which matched the squishy white floor, walls, and ceiling. I'm not crazy! Why would they put me in here, did they just give up! That's not like them, my hyungs are stubborn!

I couldn't even remember what happened yesterday, all I remember was Taehyung, and the bright morning sun burning my skin. I want to see my hyungs! "Let me see Taehyung!" I yelled at the stupid squishy door. I kicked at the padded door causing me to lose my balance and fall face first into the padded floor. "I'm sorry." I sobbed as I lied on the floor, all my rage quickly draining from my body and getting replaced with pain. "I'm so sorry."
"Jeon Jungkook you have visitors." A man said making me jump. I looked up and glared at the man who was hovering in the door waiting to escort me. I don't need an escort, I'm not crazy. Even though I didn't want to let this nurse escort me I really wanted to see my hyungs, so I slowly climbed off of the bed and let the man lead me down the long white hallway.

No one's told me anything since I woke up here. I don't even know how long I've been here. I just want to go home, I want to see my hyungs.

This is your home Jungkook.

I frowned at the voice, maybe it's right. Normal people don't hear voices and see things that aren't there. I don't even remember the last time I felt normal. Those drugs helped me feel numb but it wasn't normal. I just want to heal, someone please heal me.

Suddenly the nurse stopped pushing me forward and stepped back, leaving me in a bigger white washed room with six other people. The room was silent as I stared at the six boys who were hesitantly stepping towards me. "Hi kookie." Jin whispered, giving me a forced smile. I couldn't help the anger that started to boil in the pit of my stomach. They left me here without any explanation and now they're going to act like nothing happened!

"Jungkook please forgive us." Jimin suddenly begged, ugly tears already pouring down his flushed cheeks. I glared at Jimin but didn't say anything, I can't forgive them. They betrayed me. They locked me up like Lee did.

You miss Lee.

I mentally gagged at the voices accusation, I hate him and I hope he burns in hell. "Jungkook, do you remember anything?" Yoongi asked, he wasn't crying, he looked dead. I couldn't keep my glare as I stared at Yoongi, he looked so hurt, just like me.

"I don't remember." I confessed before bowing my head, maybe I have no reason to be mad at my hyungs. Maybe they put me in here for my own good.

"You tried to kill yourself Jungkook." Taehyung mumbled.

I snapped my head up and stared at Taehyung, who had a faded black eye. "Who gave you that black eye?" I asked but somewhere, deep down, I knew the answer.

"You did Jungkook."

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