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"You're nothing."

"Scream for me baby."

"You know you like it."

"Bleed for me Jungkook."

"Pain is love."

"No one can hear your cries not even the voices in your head."

"You're alone Jungkook."

"You're mine."

"Scream for me, scream, scream Jungkook!"

Jungkook woke up screaming, screaming so hard that it hurt. Each scream felt like a razor blade shredding his throat but Jungkook kept screaming, because Lee told him too.

Screaming helped silence the voices into distant echoes that Jungkook could try and ignore.

Jungkook felt his blood run cold as he stared into the darkness of his hospital room, he hates the dark, bad things happen in the dark. Jungkook tried to sit up but thick white straps were holding down his legs and arms. Why was he strapped down? Who did this to him?

Jungkook wanted to scream for help but he couldn't remember how. Everytime he tried to talk his brain mixed up the words with the voices and everything came out wrong. It hurt to talk, everything hurts.

"H...hep!" Jungkook screamed as he struggled against the straps. Hearing his voice made him angry, he knew the words leaving his mouth weren't right but he couldn't help it. "He..lp!" Jungkook sobbed again and for once the word sounded somewhat correct, but no one was around to hear it.

"Keep screaming Jungkook that's right baby boy."

Jungkook shook his head aggressively, desperately trying to knock the voices out of his head. He can't take it anymore.

"K...ill me!" Jungkook cried and surprisingly the words weren't jumbled. "Pease!" Jungkook shook his head, that's not how you say it. "Please!" That's better. "Kill me! Please!" Jungkook was proud of himself, this was the first proper sentence he's been able to form. They should reward him with death.

"Death is to good for you, you deserve to be punished."


Jungkook screwed his eyes shut and shook his head, the voices aren't real, they aren't real.

"Jungkook it's Yoongi, please stop screaming." Yoongi begged and hovered his hands over the hysterical boy. He didn't know what to do, he felt utterly helpless and it was the worst feeling in the whole entire world. Especially when someone you love is practically dying from the inside out, right in front of your eyes.

Yoongi was returning from the bathroom when he heard screaming and the familiar stuttering of Jungkook's voice. Except his stutter went away momentarily for a horrifying sentence to slip past his bruised lips. Yoongi wished he didn't hear it, wishes he could erase it from his memory, but it's there and it's permanent. Jungkook was screaming for someone to kill him.

"K-kill m-me...pease!" Jungkook slurred and locked eyes with Yoongi, who was frozen at his bedside. Jungkook didn't want Yoongi to hear that, he didn't want any of his hyungs to hear that.

"Jungkook please don't say that." Yoongi whispered and for a moment Jungkook thought Yoongi was going to cry. But Yoongi doesn't cry. Jungkook dropped his head and felt all the energy leave his body, leaving him limp and exhausted. He just wants to sleep, he's so tired. Jungkook doesn't even remember the last time he slept.

"Tie-" Jungkook mumbled followed by a wave of tears because he couldn't remember the word. "Seep." Jungkook wanted to scream in frustration because the words were there, buzzing around in his head, but the voices were louder.

"Are you tired?" Yoongi asked, trying hard to piece together Jungkook's broken speech. Jungkook nodded and started to cry even harder because Yoongi understood him, someone understands. Yoongi didn't know what to do with this knew found information, should he go get a doctor or stay with Jungkook?

"What do you want me to do Jungkook?" Yoongi felt bad for asking the unstable boy such a question. Jungkook was in no position to be making decisions but it was worth a shot, because Yoongi needs guidance.

What does Jungkook want Yoongi to do? He doesn't even know himself.

Jungkook barely remembers the days when he longed for his hyungs touches, now the mere thought of someone touching him makes his skin hurt. But he wants Yoongi to touch him, to do something that will remind Jungkook of the days before he was taken.

Jungkook looked down where his hands were strapped to the bed and noticed Yoongi's pale yet muscular hands clutching the bedsheets, his veins prominent against the translucent skin. Yoongi has piano playing hands and Jungkook was always jealous, he loves Yoongi's hands.

Without thinking Jungkook strained his fingers and brushed them over his hyungs knuckles. A painful shock crawled up his arm and into his spine but Jungkook bit his lip, holding back the wails of pain.

Yoongi looked down at his hand and felt his heart stop beating as Jungkook's fingers struggled to graze his flesh. Without thinking Yoongi grabbed Jungkook's fragile hand and gaze it a reassuring squeeze, just like he used to do before the incident. Jungkook gasped and gripped Yoongi's hand so hard that it hurt, but Yoongi liked the pain. Because it meant Jungkook was here and he was getting better.

"H-hyung." Jungkook sobbed as he threw his head back against the pillows. Yoongi noticed how exhausted the younger looked, everyone looked exhausted recently. "Sleep Jungkook, I won't leave." Yoongi promised and rubbed Jungkook's bony knuckles with his thumb. Jungkook visibly flinched at the touch but he wouldn't release Yoongi's hand, so Yoongi kept doing it. Until Jungkook's eyes drooped closed and his erratic breathing evened out.

(Poor Jungkookie 😢 but he's getting better or at least trying)

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