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Jungkook pov
My heart skipped a beat when the familiar squeak of the door echoed in my ears, why is he back, he was just here.

"Hi baby boy." He greeted, like usual. A shiver ran up my spine as Lee's cold fingers dragged down my chest, stopping at my nipples which were still raw from yesterday's punishment. He pinched the sensitive buds then dug his nail into the skin, I whimpered and a low chuckle rumbled in his chest. Why does he find my suffering amusing?

"Does that hurt baby?"

I nodded and blinked away the tears that were dampening the leather blindfold. "Good." Lee chuckled before digging his nails even deeper, the sensitive skin tearing under his nails. "Agh!" I screamed and jerked away from his hand. Lee's chuckling immediately stopped and the room fell into heavy silence, I hate silence, it brings pain.

"You shouldn't have done that." Lee sighed, "you know better than that Jungkook, I taught you better."

I couldn't hold back the tears, I let them fall down my cheeks, most of them soaking the leather blindfold. Whenever Lee actually uses my name that means I'm going to be punished and probably pass out from pain, because that's what happened last time.

My body was limp and pliant as Lee manhandled me over that familiar metal table, the sharp edge pressing into my bruised stomach. I cringed at the sharp pain stabbing my stomach, these bruises will never heal, never.


I jolted against the table, that voice, it sounded like Yoongi. "Oh, look who decided to join us." Lee chuckled, is Yoongi actually here, or am I finally losing my mind. "Do you like what you see Yoongi?" Lee asked as he caressed my sore backside. It is Yoongi! Yoongi!

"Y-ooo!" I cried against the gag and tried to push my body off of the table but Lee's arms held me down. "Yuei!" I tried again and this time Lee's elbow dug into my back, warning me to stop screaming.

"Jungkook do you need help?" Yoongi asked, his voice calm and monotone. Why would he ask me that, does he think I'm enjoying this!? I tried to scream for help but Lee's sharp elbow dug deeper into my back, my muscles cramped painfully at the intrusion. "Yoongi do you want to punish Jungkook for me?" Lee asked, a dark chuckle following his question. Why isn't Yoongi helping me?

"Jungkook I wanted to help you." Yoongi sighed followed by the familiar squeak of the door. No Yoongi! Don't leave me! I'll let you help me! Please Yoongi!

I snapped open my eyes and tried to blink away the tears that were blinding me. "Was it another nightmare?" A far away voice asked. I nodded absentmindedly and rubbed the stray tears off of my cheeks. I looked down at my arm when I felt something tug at my skin. It was an IV, a white tube was connected to the needle, and it was stabbed into my arm. Am I at the hospital?

"You're at the hospital Jungkook." The far away voice confirmed my suspicions as if it could read my mind. I nodded again and poked at the raised skin where the needle was nestled. My head was a cloudy mess, a storm that wouldn't clear, how long have I been here?

"You've been here for two days." The voice answered my thoughts again. I looked up and narrowed my eyes at the blurry body sitting across from me. "You were screaming earlier so the doctor gave you some sleeping medicine. You might be a little disorientated is what the doctor said." The body explained, it's voice was deep, soothing. My eyes shifted from the blurry figure back to the IV in my arm, why am I back in the hospital? I racked my foggy brain for an answer but couldn't find anything, the past two days were a blur, maybe that's for the best.

"Are you okay Jungkook?" The blurry boy asked, he sounded genuinely concerned, why?

I let my gaze travel from my arm back to the boy, his once distorted face was slowly smoothing out into a handsome man, he looked like Taehyung.

"Taehyung?" I asked hesitantly because what if he wasn't, what would happen if I was wrong, I'd be punished. The boy smiled and nodded, Taehyung smiled and nodded, I like his smile. "Yeah it's me, how're you feeling kookie?" Taehyung asked again, his question begging to be answered.

I looked around the fuzzy room, everything seemed to move in slow motion, frozen in time, in a silence that wasn't painful.

"I feel blurry." I mumbled and continued to examine the frozen room. Taehyung giggled softly, "what do you mean?"

I dropped my gaze back to Taehyung, he looked amused, I haven't seen him look like this in a long time. "Everything is moving in slow motion, I feel slow." I tried to explain, "it feels nice."

For once I couldn't hear the voices, there wasn't a stabbing pain in my head, and there wasn't an empty ache consuming my body. My body felt weightless, numb, as if I was floating in space. For once, I felt nothing.

"That's good Jungkook, the drugs the doctor gave you were pretty strong." Taehyung giggled shyly, his lips were still bowed, refusing to smile. "Yeah it is good." I confessed because honestly I've never felt more free.

The longer I stared at Taehyung the clearer he became and suddenly memories were flooding my mind. A movie of hot lips, long fingers, and lust filled eyes was playing in my mind and my once numb body was now buzzing to life. There was someone else in that movie but I couldn't see his face, it was blurry, like everything else. "Taehyung can we go somewhere?" I suddenly blurted out the question before my mind could process what I was asking. Maybe it was the drugs but those two months of torture felt like a dream, something that doesn't matter anymore, what matters is Taehyung.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he processed the question, "uhh I don't think you're allowed to leave, sorry kookie."

"Please Tae, I need fresh air." I pouted, the idea of fresh air burning my lungs suddenly intriguing me. When was the last time I went outside? Taehyung chewed on his lip as he considered my odd request, he can't say no to me, I know he can't. "Okay, I know somewhere we can go." Taehyung said before standing up and disconnecting the white tube from the needle. I tried to stand up but the once frozen room suddenly did a 360 around me and that pounding headache returned. Before I fell back onto the bed Taehyung grabbed my waist and pulled my body against his, I could feel his heart beat.

Taehyung's eyes widened with panic but I eased his panicking state by draping my arms around his neck and hugging him. My body was numb, I couldn't feel anything except for the erratic beating of Taehyung's heart. "Can you carry me?" I asked, my lips ghosting over the warm skin of Taehyung's neck. The sudden urge to kiss and bite the honey skin was strong but I wasn't that drugged up. "I-I don't want to hurt you." Taehyung whispered, his voice wavering from what must be nerves. I puckered my lips and placed a gentle kiss to Taehyung's honey skin, "you won't hurt me."

His body went rigid and his arms loosened around my waist, it was cute. "O-okay." Taehyung stuttered out before picking me up as if I was his bride. I tightened my hold around Taehyung's neck and kept my face pressed against the warm skin. Everytime I breathed Taehyung's muscles would tense  but he continued to walk as if it didn't bother him. "Where are we going?" I asked, a playful lilt in my voice that I haven't used in forever.

"You'll see." Taehyung responded with the same lilt and suddenly everything was perfect in my cloudy brain.

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