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Jungkook pov
I blinked my eyes rapidly, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness. I took a deep breath and froze when fresh burning air poured into my lungs, we were outside.

I lifted my head from Taehyung's neck and glared at my bright surroundings, my retinas burned but it was a good burn, it reminded me that I was alive. "T-Taehyung where are we?" I stuttered and continued to blink away the burn. Slowly Taehyung sat me down on the ground and kissed my head, "we're on the roof."

My jaw went slack, "really?"

Taehyung nodded and smiled, the smile didn't reach his eyes but it was still sincere. "I thought you'd like the view." He said before sitting down next to me. Taehyung tilted his head back, his honey skin practically glowing in the early morning sun. The sun made Taehyung look beautiful but it hurt me, it burns, I don't know if it's a good burn anymore. I gave up on trying to adjust my eyes to light and instead closed them and tilted my head back. Letting the warm morning sun kiss my pale skin.

"How do you feel Jungkook?" Taehyung asked and honestly I had no clue. "I don't know." I mumbled, my sensitive skin slowly starting to burn under the light. I could feel the clouds start to dissolve in my brain, the drugs were wearing off and the mind crippling pain was slowly resurfacing.

I forced my eyes open and glared at the city in front of me, everyone was busy living their lives while I was stuck here, in a shitty hospital. "Are you okay kookie?" Taehyung asked, concern lacing his words.

He's worried about you because he knows you're sick.

I psychically jumped when I heard that familiar cynical voice inside my head, I wish it was outside my head but Taehyung didn't even flinch, which meant I am crazy. I almost forgot about the voice, the cloudy drug made me forget everything and feel nothing, it made me forget about everything except for what was in front of me. Which was Taehyung, and he was currently looking at me like I had sprouted a second head.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung whispered, at least I think he was whispering. His voice sounded like an echo in the cavern that is my mind.

You're on a roof Jungkook, this is the perfect opportunity to kill yourself. Taehyung wouldn't mind, he'd probably be happy. That's why he brought you up here, so you could finally die.

The voice made a good point. Without that stupid drug everything hurts, flashbacks from the torture won't stop, and Taehyung's presence made me uncomfortable. "I-I'm sorry." I mumbled, I didn't even know what I was apologizing for.

You're apologizing for yourself.

Suddenly Taehyung leaned forward and rested his hand on my thigh. The feeling made my skin crawl and painful memories to fill the echoing cavern in my mind. "Don't touch me." I sobbed and ripped my thigh away from Taehyung's burning hand. I didn't even realize I was crying, the wetness on my cheeks was a normal everyday ocurance to me, it was weird if I wasn't crying at least once a day. "Jungkook what's wrong? Do you need me to call the doctor?" The way Taehyung's words started to sound wobbly and frantic made me want to jump off this stupid roof even more. I'm the reason he's freaking out. I'd be freaking out too if one minute my friend was normal then the next minute he's acting like a fucking schizophrenic.

You are a schizophrenic, just accept it Jungkook. You're pathetic and your weak mind couldn't handle what happened to you.

I shook my head and struggled to put more space between me and Taehyung. But it felt like gravity was against me and decided to pull me closer, or maybe I was imagining it. Was I also imaging the way Taehyung's nails dug into the concrete roofing as he crawled towards me, his joints snapping and popping in ways a human being isn't capable of.

I kicked at the Taehyung look-alike but he deflected my kicks and continued to prowl towards me, like a predator stalking it's prey, waiting for the perfect time to pounce. And rips it throat out.

I gasped when I felt my back kiss something hard and cold. I tore my eyes off of Taehyung and turned around to see the city, spreading endlessly like an ocean. I was pressed against the concrete ledge, the only thing keeping me from falling to my death. My eyes burned the longer I stared at the city but I didn't want to turn around, because I could feel the Taehyung lookalikes breath on my neck.

"Ah baby you're so beautiful." Taehyung groaned in that same deep voice that used to comfort me, now it made me want to throw myself off the building. It's not Taehyung, this isn't Taehyung, it's a fucked up figment of my imagination. But no matter how many times I repeated that inside my head the Taehyung lookalike didn't disappear, and the real Taehyung didn't come to save me. Maybe this is the real Taehyung, but I don't remember Taehyung having inky pools of blackness for eyes.

Jump Jungkook, it'll be quick and painless. Jump! JUMP JUNGKOOK! FUCKING DO SOMETHING FOR ONCE IN YOUR MISERABLE LIFE!

I threw my hands over my ears and screamed, I screamed so hard that my voice cracked and sharp pain tore through my throat. The people in the city probably heard me screaming but I didn't care, because the voice was so loud and it hurt. I just want the voice to stop yelling, stop nagging at me to kill myself. "Stop it! Stop!" I cried and forced the demon Taehyung off of me before scrambling onto the ledge. My head was spinning as I stood on the ledge, if the architects thought this would stop people from jumping they were idiots.


My body was heavy as it tilted forward, I felt like I was flying, I felt free. But that freedom was short lived because suddenly strong arms were wrapping around my waist and strong hands were grabbing my arms, yanking me back into a cruel reality I desperately wanted to leave.

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