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Jungkook's therapist and his doctor were in shock when they walked into his room. He was sleeping, for once, and Yoongi was sitting on a chair next to his bed, asleep as well and holding his hand.

"This is amazing." The therapist whispered and blinked rapidly because she could feel tears brimming on her eyes. The doctor smiled and rubbed the therapists shoulders, "do you think he can go home?"

The therapist studied Jungkook intensely, taking in every little detail, from his rate of breathing down to how tight he was holding Yoongi's hand. "I'll have to explain to the boys what Jungkook's mental conditions are, they'll also have to bring Jungkook to my office for daily appointments. You'll have to explain to them how to treat Jungkook's deeper injures and tell them what kind of diet he should be on. It might be to much for the boys, but I think it would be good for Jungkook. As long as they all take it slow, like Yoongi did."

The doctor nodded, "Okay, I'll inform them when they arrive."
The boys were amazed when they found out about Yoongi and Jungkook. When they arrived to the hospital all the boys hugged Yoongi and complimented him for dealing with the situation so well.

The boys settled down when Jungkook's doctor and therapist walked into the waiting room, a folder in each of their hands.

"Do you guys still want to take Jungkook home?" The doctor asked. "Yes." The boys all responded in unison.

The therapist hummed before handing Namjoon a tan folder with Jungkook's name on it. "The contents of this folder is a detailed report on Jungkook's mental state. The report goes into further detail so I suggest reading it but for now I'll just summarize. Jungkook suffers from extreme PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder) which contributes to his depression and anxiety. He also hears voices which is a sign of schizophrenia, but I need more evidence to diagnose that. Hopefully I don't get anymore evidence but if he starts seeing things please tell me. He has trouble speaking and it frustrates him, so try to avoid situations where he has to talk. Psychical contact triggers panic attacks for him, so try to refrain from touching him, unless he initiates the touch. Lastly, he suffers from serious nightmares and insomnia, so don't expect him to be sleeping." The therapists words were a lot to take in and were slightly overwhelming. But they can handle it, Jungkook is their maknae and it's their job to take care of him.

"He also has suicidal thoughts." Yoongi added and immediately all eyes were on him. "What do you mean Yoongi?" The therapist asked as she adjusted her glasses. Yoongi felt bad for betraying Jungkook, because telling the therapists meant forcing the younger to swallow more pills. Yoongi would know.

"Last night he was screaming for someone to kill him." Yoongi mumbled and suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if he was confessing about being suicidal. Which he isn't, not anymore.

The therapist didn't say anything and only scribbled something down on a white piece of paper, probably a prescription paper. "With this new found information I suggest you guys constantly monitor him, never leave him alone." The therapist's words shocked Yoongi, he was sure she was going to give Jungkook more pills. Like his therapist did.

"Okay, we'll do our best." Namjoon promised and bowed at the therapists. Namjoon stepped back and let Jin face the doctor, who was also holding a folder, except this one was blue. "This folder just explains how to clean Jungkook's wounds and how to psychically care for him in general. It also has a diet plan for Jungkook and if he doesn't follow it please tell me, he's extremely underweight and needs food." The doctor handed Jin the folder and gave him a reassuring smile.

Jin smiled and bowed, "thank you, we'll try our best."

The doctor and therapist smiled and walked away, knowing Jungkook was in good hands.
Jungkook was motionless and silent as he stared at the six boys, he would try to hide but his arms and legs were still strapped to the bed.

"Hey Jungkook, are you ready to go home?" Hoseok asked, softly, so he wouldn't startle the spaced out boy.

Jungkook's eyes widened after hearing the word "home" He doesn't want to go back, never again. Why would they want to take him back? Was this just some sick prank, pretend to heal him before throwing him back to the monster! Why would they do this to him!?

"N-NO!" Jungkook screamed at the top of his lungs and started to struggle against the white straps. He didn't want to be restrained anymore, he doesn't want to go back home. He can't go back to Lee, why would they take him back to Lee? Haven't they watched him suffer enough, Jungkook knew he couldn't trust them. Not even Yoongi.

"Jungkook please calm down." Namjoon cooed and rushed over to the crying boys bedside, along with Jin.

Jimin can't remember the last time he's seen Jungkook with a dry face, he's always crying. It's painful to watch, so he left. Hoseok noticed this and immediately followed Jimin into the waiting room. "Jimin, are you okay?" Hoseok asked and rested his hand on the boys shaking shoulder. He knew that was a stupid question to ask, no one was okay anymore. Jimin shrugged Hoseok's hand off of his shoulder before walking away, leaving a speechless and worried Hoseok behind.

"Jungkook we aren't taking you back there! We're taking you home with us!" Yoongi yelled as he tugged at his hair in frustration. Jungkook was sobbing and refusing to listen to any of them, yelling at him probably wasn't a good idea but Yoongi's patience was wearing thin.

"Yoongi don't yell at him!" Jin scolded and that was the last straw. Yoongi glared at Jin before punching the wall, leaving behind a fist shaped dent.

Everyone went silent, including Jungkook, who still had tears streaming down his cheeks. Yoongi was even a little shocked, he doesn't know why he did that, but it felt good. "Yoongi." Hoseok mumbled from the doorway, eyeing Yoongi as if he was a stranger on the verge of killing someone.

Yoongi rolled his eyes before pushing past Hoseok and leaving in the same direction as Jimin.

(The stress of taking care of Jungkook might be to much for our boys 💔)

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