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Jungkook pov
I was hidden behind Taehyung as we all walked down the silent hallway. The atmosphere was tense and no one was talking or smiling. I wish they would talk, it distracts me, without distractions I'm left with one thing to do, listen to the voices.

This is the same hallway you were dragged down. Hoseok watched you, he was probably smiling inside, knowing you were finally gone.

I tore my gaze off of the floor and looked up, Hoseok was in front of Taehyung. His usual happy yellow aura was gone and replaced with sadness, a cloudy grey. Hoseok doesn't hate me, he's hurting, I can tell, I know what hurting looks like. It's all over my hyungs faces.

I gasped when my sensitive body suddenly ran into something hard and warm. Taehyung turned around and frowned, "sorry kookie."

Why is he apologizing? I should be the one apologizing for the way I am. I used to crave Taehyung's touch and now I shy away from it. It's not his fault.

"N-not y-you fault." I whispered, my cheeks heating up because it's embarrassing to speak. Its embarrassing to hear my own voice and each broken word that spills out of my bloody lips. But I want to speak, I want to communicate with my hyungs because I haven't seen them in forever. I have to try, I just need to try.

Taehyung's puppy dog eyes widened and a shy smile tugged at the corners of his bowed lips. "Okay kookie." He whispered and turned around at the sound of the front door opening. Slowly we filed into the dorm, one by one until it was my turn, Yoongi was behind me. I froze in front of the open door and my hyungs stared at me with concerned eyes.

"It's okay Jungkook, you're safe now." Yoongi promised from behind me, his gravely voice caressing my entire body and suddenly I found myself shuffling into the dorm. My hyungs smiled bitterly and stepped away from me as if I had the plague. It hurt, but their touches hurt more.

I noticed the folders Jin and Namjoon were holding, they had my name on them. I'm such a burden, they need fucking instructions to take care of me.

If you kill yourself then you won't be a burden.

"S-sorry." I stuttered and dug my nails into the tender flesh of my palms. "For what Jungkook? You didn't do anything." Hoseok said as he stepped closer to me. I could tell he wanted to hug me, I wanted to hug him too, but something was holding me back. Invisible shackles chained me to the wall and prevented me from diving into the protective arms of my hyung. The chains are cold, so cold, and that's all I am now. A cold, broken, and sick little boy.

"Oh my god, Jungkook you're bleeding!"

I refocused my eyes and looked down, small garnet drops of liquid were dripping down my palms and onto the wooden floors. Slowly I unfurled my fists and lifted my hands up. The cresent shaped cuts were deep and small drops of blood were seeping out by the second. Another liquid suddenly appeared next to the blood, it was clear and it mixed with the garnet liquid, it was my tears. I watched as the garnet liquid escaped my body and ran down my arms, darkening the crisp white bandages into a dirty brown. My body felt numb as the blood continued to pour out, the cuts weren't that deep. I snapped my head up to ask my hyungs for help but I was alone, nothing but darkness surrounding my crippled form.

"Hyungs!" I screamed and teetered on my feet, the darkness seeming to spin around me. There was so much blood, it was staining my feet and soaking my clothes. I was drowning in the garnet liquid. "Help me!" I cried out as the blood rose from my feet to my knees.

This is a good way to die Jungkook, drowning in your own blood.

"No its not!" I screamed back at the voice, "I don't want to die!"

"He..lp!" I gagged as the blood rose to my neck, the liquid squeezing the air out of my lungs and replacing it with garnet slush. I don't want to die.
"He's waking up!"

A ringing was echoing in my ears as I forced my eyes open, only to have them shut immediately. The bright light stung my retinas and only amplified the aching ring.

"Turn the light off! It's hurting his eyes."

The loud voice stabbed my ears and made the ringing worse. What's going on? I groaned and pried my eyes open, blurry faces hovering above me. Was I on the floor?

"Jungkook how many fingers am I holding up?" One of the blurry faces asked and held up what looked like four hazy digits.

I opened my mouth to speak but my throat felt swollen and tight, as if someone had choked me earlier. Actually, what happened earlier?

"Should we call an ambulance?" One of the blurry faces asked, it's voice sounded familiar. They all sounded familiar. "No we can't, the doctor will keep Jungkook at the hospital if he finds out what happened." This blurry face's voice sounded like it was on the verge of tears. Why are they crying? What happened?

"Jungkook please say something." The shaky voice begged. I groaned in response, the only thing I could manage at the moment. Suddenly my eyelids grew heavy as my vision darkened around the blurry faces. I'm so tired.

"No Jungkook, please stay with us! Don't close your eyes!"

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