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Jungkook pov
"Ah ah ah...Yoo-oongi ugh!" I gasped as I threw my head back into the pillows. Yoongi groaned into my neck, his lips mouthing at my sensitive skin, I hope he leaves bruises. "Jungkook you're s-so tight." Yoongi breathed, his lips moving to nibble at my ear. My back arched into Yoongi's chest at the feeling and breathless whines tumbled past my lips. "Jungkook ah..I love-"

"Jungkook ah wake up."

I threw open my eyes and flushed a deep red when I came face to face with the man in my dreams, Yoongi. He smiled, despite my blushing state, and leaned down to peck my swollen lips. "What were you dreaming about?" Yoongi asked innocently. The question made my palms sweaty and my heart race. Why would I have such a dirty dream about him, he'd never touch my disgusting body. "N-nothing." I stuttered and averted my eyes from Yoongi's soft brown ones, those eyes always wiggle the truth out of me.

"Okay, come on. You need to eat something so you can take your pill." Yoongi said before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bed. The instant my feet touched the ground the room spun around me and my knees went weak. Yoongi caught me and held my body close to his, allowing me to feel his heartbeat against my chest. "Are you okay kookie?" Yoongi asked, his hands gripping the material of my shirt so tight I thought he'd rip it. "I'm just dizzy." I sighed, remnants of sleep still clouding my already drug induced foggy mind. Instead of pulling our bodies apart Yoongi held me tighter, he's acting like I'd vanish if he didn't hold on. I guess I did vanish the last time he didn't hold on.

I wanted to stay in Yoongi's arms for the rest of my miserable life but sadly he had other plans. Yoongi released me from his hold and held my gaze for a few seconds, those warm charcoal orbs screaming words I'll never understand. Yoongi pressed a quick kiss to my dry lips before taking my hand and dragging me out of my stuffy room.

The instant i left my room I was greeted with the nauseating scent of pancakes and the loud bickering of my hyungs. Yoongi cleared his throat to announce our presence and immediately everyone went silent. I felt naked under my hyungs judgemental eyes and the feeling made my skin crawl. Yoongi's soft yet veiny hand was suddenly to much, so I jerked away from his touch. His eyes shifted to me with a questioning look but I ignored it and kept my hands rooted to my sides. The pill was wearing off, I can feel it.

"Good morning kookie, how many pancakes do you want?" Jin asked, thankfully breaking the awkward silence. I scoffed at the question, "none."

Jin's lips pulled into a tight line as he flipped a couple of the sickeningly sweet cakes. "You need to eat so you can take the pill." Jin's voice was harsh and cold, I've finally done it, I've pushed my sweet and caring hyung to far. "S-sorry..I'll have one, please." I mumbled before shuffling into the sitting room where Jimin and Taehyung were. I couldn't look at Taehyung, the faded bruise around his eye a painful reminder of how fucked up I am. However my eyes locked with Jimin's and something snapped inside me. Without a word I rushed forward and crashed into Jimin's oddly thin body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in the scent that is Jimin, I didn't even realize how much I missed it, it was nostalgic in a way. It reminded me of the days before the incident, when everything was normal. I miss those days.

My skin burned when Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist but I bit my lip and endured it, for Jimin. I've been such a dick to Jimin, sweet and innocent Jimin who would sacrifice anything for me. "I'm sorry Jiminie..so sorry." I mumbled, hoping, praying to a God I didn't even believe in, that Jimin would forgive me. "It's okay kookie." Jimin's voice was shaky, "please don't apologize."

My eyes burned with tears but I blinked them back and pulled away from Jimin, everyone's gaze burning holes into my skull. I blushed from the attention but Yoongi caught my eye, he was glaring at me, what did I do?

"The pancakes are ready." Jin yelled from the kitchen, thankfully dragging everyone's attention off of me. Except for Yoongi. I glanced at Yoongi and offered him a small smile but he ignored me, and retreated down the dark hallway. My smile fell and so did my heart, why do I make everyone mad. "Jungkook come on let's eat." Jimin called out with that bubbly voice I've missed.
Jimin groaned as he helped me into the car, "Jungkook you have to move your legs."

I giggled and tried to sit on one of the leather seats but I missed and landed on the ground. Jimin gasped and reached down to pick me up with his small hands grabbing under my pits, I'm not a child. "Stop Jimin." I growled before pushing him away from me. Despite my blurry vision and heavy limbs I dragged myself off of the ground and onto the chair. Jimin frowned, climbed off of the ground, and sat down next to me. "Sorry kookie." He whispered, "we're ready please drive."

I leaned my head back on the chair and let my eyes roll back into my head. My head was throbbing with pain and every bump the car hit it only worsened my headache. "J-Jimin." I whined, "Jimin ah."

"What's wrong kookie?" Jimin asked, a frantic lilt in his voice. I sighed and rubbed my temples, the throbbing pain slowly ebbing away. "What's wrong with me?" I groaned, the throbbing pain suddenly migrating to my forehead. Jimin mumbled something but I couldn't hear it, his voice nothing but a far away whisper. My face burned when Jimin's hands cupped my cheeks and forced me to look at him. "Jungkook, you're okay. It's just a side effect from the pill." Jimin's words were muffled, as if there was cotton in my ears. But I understood what he said and it made my blood boil. That stupid pill, I hate it.

"W-wait Jimin where are we going?" I asked once I realized we were in a car, driving somewhere, alone. Jimin released my face and leaned back in his seat, "we're going to your therapy appointment."

(Sorry this chapter was lame but don't worry children...😉shits about to get real)

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