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Jungkook pov
My knuckles were turning white and Jimin's arm was turning red the longer I held it. "Jungkook you'll be fine. Jin said he's a nice guy." Jimin reassured but I didn't believe him, Jin lies. "What happened to my old therapist? She was nice." I mumbled. My hand suddenly cramped and I released Jimin's arm. "She got assigned to a different patient." Jimin explained, "come on Jungkook, you'll be fine."

Jimin sounded annoyed, his usual bubbly voice was gone, and I felt bad for ruining his mood. "Sorry Jimin." I whispered and bowed my head to stare at my feet. Jimin sighed, "you're fine kookie, is your headache gone?"

I nodded but the thought of lying definitely crossed my mind. If I lied we could've gone home but I can't lie to Jimin. "I'll be in the waiting room when you're done." He said, squeezed my arm, then escaped to the waiting room.

With heavy feet I shuffled into the office and sat down on the leather couch. There was another leather couch opposite me and a dark wooden coffee table separating them. The office was dull and the tacky art that littered the walls only made the room look smaller. The shitty office was suffocating me and I just wanted to get this worthless appointment over with.

Suddenly the door creaked open and young man maybe a couple years older than Jin walked into the room. He was wearing a black turtle neck and some nerdy glasses, he looked harmless. The man smiled at me and took a seat on the couch opposite of me.

"Hi Jungkook, my name is Kim Jisung. How're you this morning?" Jisung asked, his voice smooth and confident. It reminded me of my voice before the incident. "I'm okay, I guess." I mumbled, honestly I have no clue how I'm feeling. I never do. Jisung nodded and crossed his legs, his hands resting motionless in his lap. "That's good, so Jungkook, how do you like the pills?" The question made me tense, I hate them. Is what I wanted to say but if I don't take the pills I go back to the hospital. "I like them." I lied but Jisung didn't seem to catch it. Apparently I'm a good liar or he's a terrible therapist.

"How do the pills make you feel?" Jisung asked, his body leaning forward slightly. "Numb." Was the only word I could use to describe the feeling. Jisung hummed and suddenly stood up, his once warm brown eyes staring at me intensely. "Your file says you were kidnapped and used for sex." Jisung said with a smirk. I didn't understand where he was going with this but I nodded, confirming his statement. Jisung scoffed and maneuvered around the coffee table so he was standing in front of me. He looked shorter than me but his muscles were bulging out of his sweater. Giving him an intimidating and dominant appearance. Exactly like Lee.

"Are you usually a submissive person?" Jisung asked and the question caused a shiver to run up my spine. I didn't know how to answer the question, I wasn't submissive before the incident. "I don't know." I whispered but Jisung didn't seem pleased with my answer. He scoffed and a smirk tugged at his pink lips, it reminded me of Lee.

My mind was screaming at me to get up and run when Jisung sat down next to me, his eyes flashing with something I haven't seen since Lee. "I'd love to examine your body Jungkook. It helps me get to know my patients and better understand their pain." Jisung purred while his hand inched closer to my thigh. Bullshit! My muscles twitched, aching to move, but I was frozen. Everything from those two months was replaying in my mind and those stupid pills couldn't stop it. I could see everything, hear everything, taste everything.

"P-please stop." I whimpered, Jisung's face becoming blurry by my tears. Jisung sighed but he didn't stop and continued to crawl closer and closer, until he was practically on top of me. "When I saw your file I immediately wanted to meet you. You're even more beautiful in person Jungkook and if some creepy old man actually went through all that trouble to buy a house and kidnap you. You must be amazing in bed." Jisung groaned the last part and it made me sick. What did I do to deserve this? My breath hitched when Jisung's thigh suddenly slid between my legs, the appendage dangerously close to my crotch. "Let's have some fun Jungkook, I promise you'll enjoy it." Jisung cooed but he's lying. I never enjoy it because it hurts! It always hurts! Everyone lies to me and it fucking hurts!

"No! Get off me!" I screamed and shoved Jisung off of me. His body slammed into the coffee table and I took that as an opportunity to run. But before I could escape to the door a strong hand grabbed my ankle and yanked me onto the floor. My body hit the floor with a thud and I didn't have time to recover because Jisung was climbing on top of me. "No! Get off me! Please someone help me!" I cried, begged, for once can someone help me. Jisung growled and sat on my back, rendering my weak struggling useless. "Help-" I tried to scream again but a hand covered my mouth and jerked my head up. Jisung was glaring at me with lust blown eyes while his weight crushed the air out of me and his nails dug into my cheek.

Please God. If you're there. Don't let me suffer again.

"You aren't going to tell anyone about this." Jisung hissed, his nails digging further into my scarred cheek. I nodded weakly and cringed at the painful strain in my neck. Jisung smiled, leaned forward, and placed a kiss on my sweaty forehead. The action made my skin burn and a guttural sob to tear through my throat. Jisung laughed at this and bent my head further back, so far that I thought my neck was going to snap. I actually wouldn't mind if that happened. "Such an obedient boy, I understand why Lee liked you." He teased and it brought burning tears to my eyes. My nails dug into the floor and I cried loudly into Jisung's hand, my blood suddenly boiling with anger. Anger at myself. I wanted to punch myself because I do this, I'm the reason why this shit happens. And I'll never understand why. That's the question that is constantly burning in my mind, why me?

"Agh..n-no!" I yelled when Jisung suddenly rocked his hips against my back. His hard on pressing grossly into my back. "We have a couple more minutes left in this session, I can still have some fun." Jisung growled while he grinded against my back. I screwed my eyes shut and tried to think of anything besides the man currently raping me. A loud bang jolted my eyes open and I wanted to scream when I saw Jimin standing in the doorway in utter shock. Jisung didn't have any time to explain the situation or climb off of me, because Jimin was already tugging him off of me and slamming him into the coffee table.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing! I'm going to fucking kill you!" Jimin shouted and repeatedly slammed Jisung's limp body into the hard surface. I just watched in shock, on the floor, as Jimin beat Jisung into a bloody mess. Once Jimin was sure Jisung was unconscious he threw his body onto the floor and stumbled away from the table. Jimin's face was flushed red and his knuckles were bloody but when he looked at me his eyes swelled with tears.

Jimin collapsed to knees and pulled my shaking body into his quivering arms. I sobbed loudly into Jimin's sweaty neck and held onto him like my life depended on it. "T-thank you! T-thank you h-hyung!" I sobbed, a burning lump in my throat making the words hard to say. Jimin didn't say anything and only pulled me closer, his heart was racing and I was pretty sure mine was too.

(This chapter was really hard to write...I almost cried😂😢)

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