SIX / when the piggy stood up to the wolf

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credit: meredith mcclaren (@ elphabaforpresidentofgallifrey on tumblr)
context: clint's baby boy nathaniel not accepting gender roles, going to ballet class, and being a double agent for natasha.


"natasha's here!" linda's voice carried up the stairs of the in-city safe house. she heard the pitter-pattering of three sets of feet. by now, linda was back in the make-shift kitchen. she folded the opening of a paper bag down and handed it and the other to natasha.

"thank you," natasha smiled at linda's handwriting on the two bags. one declared itself to nathaniel, and the other to natasha.

"of course. you keep him safe, okay?"

"i'd never ever sabotage his safety, if that's what you mean by 'okay?'," natasha nodded to herself. it was then the four year old entered in his purple outfit.

"i'm ready," he stated. he was perfectly sure of himself. "good bye, mama."

"good bye, beautiful boy," she smooched his cheek and he wiped off quickly. natasha took his hand in hers and the lunches in the other.

"good bye, lin," natasha called back. nathaniel closed the door behind them and ran out to the jeep.

she sat in the front and stuck the lunch sacks on the passenger's seat. he climbed into the back and they got buckled.

she reached the main street out of the slummy neighborhood.

"hey auntie?"

"yeah, pumpkin?"

"you're my best friend," he smiled out the window. she watched him for a moment in the mirror.


he giggled. he loved that word. she smiled, watching the road once more. they took the highway to a more urban area and soon exited for the road the studio was on.

nathaniel fidgeted with the tool's hem, playing with the poof.

she parked and got out, opening his door for him. she hoisted the boy onto her hip and marched up the studio steps to the door. she knocked on it.

a man appeared at the door, blocking them from entry or even seeing past.

"name, occupation, rank?" he was a twenty-something. she deducted by his accent that he was south african.

"agent natasha romanoff; assassin and agent for SHIELD and black widow of the avengers; level seven."

"seven?" he gasped, the door widening just the smallest bit.

"did i stutter?"

before the now-unsure man could answer, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"let her in, coyac."

this coyac character moved out of the way. she strutted past him; nathaniel watched as he closed the door behind them. nathaniel then turned to see who natasha stopped to talk to.

it was a tall man in black clothes. he had an eyepatch.

"are you a pirate?" he asked.

this man furrowed his brow, now speaking to natasha only, "who's the kid?"

"nathaniel, meet agent fury." she set the boy down.

"why's he wearing a tutu?" fury asked her, as if the boy couldn't hear him. nathaniel spoke directly to him, fearing no one.

"i'm wearing a tutu because i like my tutu. i wear what i want agent fury." he crossed his arms.

now, let's paint a picture here.

agent nick fury stands at 6-foot something and weighs 200+ pounds. he's tough and sturdy, he's got a friggin eyepatch.

then there's pumpkin nathaniel. a bold little four year old in a purple tool tutu. he's crossing his arms.

it's the piggy and the big bad wolf.

okay, now back to the goods.

fury looked back at natasha who cocked a brow and crossed her arms herself. fury then crotched down to nathaniel's height. he looked him dead in the eyes and said something that would change everything:

"i like you. you get one chance. you break my trust, you step out of line, and you're dead to me."

"yes, sir," nathaniel stuck his hand out to the wolf. fury shook the piggy's hand firmly and stood up properly. "let's see what you got..."

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