THIRTY-FOUR / when spider-man had midterms

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Peter had studied for weeks on end, every night without fail, staying up twice on the last week for these midterms.

Figures he slept through his alarm.

"Peter, honey?" May asked, shaking his arm gently. She let him go and drew the curtains. His eyes moved behind his eyelids.

Then they shot open and looked at his clock.

"Fuck," he muttered.

"Language," she warned. "I'll call you in late, no problem."

She strolled to the doorway. He put his head in his hands.

"May, midterms start today."

She turned to him, sharply, and said, "Jump in the shower and get dressed. I'll put toast in the toaster and pour coffee in a to-go. I'll drive you."

It'd be perfect if May wasn't the worst driver in the world.

As he gathered his things to shower, he spoke: "Can I take the car? And you take the train? Please."

"Peter," she hissed, almost offended. "I have a much longer walk from the train than you do."

"May, please, my life is on the line. They don't let you in late. I can't just take a zero."

She huffed. "Fine. Now I have to change my shoes," she groaned and left him to get ready.

Peter ran down the halls of his school, towards the first classroom. He rounded the corner and opened the door just as the bell rang.

Twenty heads of his peers turned in unison to look at him.

"Peter Parker, you're not allowed to interrupt a test-taking period," his teacher stated.

"Please, I overslept. I've been studying for weeks," he said as he regained his breath.

His teacher stared him down.

"Fine. Your time was lucky."

"Thank you," he folded and took his seat. He began the test.

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