TWENTY-SIX / when black widow had a love interest

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Natasha looked at her reflection and pursed her lips. She scrapped the outfit and tried another one. Then another.

Each discarded outfit was tossed onto her bed, or her chair, or her floor. With each toss, she felt less and less confident about the oncoming night.

The sun had already begun to set, and she barely had a half hour before she had to get in her car and meet her date, minus drive-time.

Her phone began to vibrate under the stack of clothes on her bed and she dug around for it before picking the damned thing up and answering.

"Hello?" Natasha questioned the caller, as she didn't have time to look at the caller ID.

"Hey, uh, I'm running a bit late. I'm having a hard time... picking an outfit."

"Me too," Natasha folded. "Why don't we skip the fancy reservation? I'd much rather go somewhere less stuffy."

"Really? I didn't want to say anything, but I feel the same."

"Yeah, let's do that. I'll pick you up in fifteen minutes. I have an idea in mind," Natasha said.

"Okay. See you soon."

She hung up and pulled her jeans on. After pulling on a blue button-down, she looked at her final product. With her pair of tan combat boots, the outfit would be complete.

Natasha pocketed her phone and wallet. She grabbed her keys and left her messy room. She entered the commons to find Bruce, already in pajamas, and watching some talk show.

"You have a date," he declared upon seeing her.

"I do."

"Who's the lucky fellow?" he asked. She just chuckled. He smiled softly, though it pained him that she got on so easily, and said, "You look great. Have fun!"

"Thanks, Bruce," she said sincerely and departed. After going down to the garage, she put her keys into her motorcycle and began the short drive to her date's.

Natasha took a deep breath, left the motorcycle running, and padded up to the door. She buzzed the apartment number, and considered buzzing again. The door opened before she could. She looked at her date sheepishly.

"Hey, Nat."

"Hey, Sarah. You look really good," Natasha said. Sarah smiled and stepped out of her apartment building.

"Thanks. So where're we going?"

"It's a surprise." Natasha walked collectively to the motorcycle and handed Sarah a helmet. Natasha put her own on. The two sat, and Sarah comfortably wrapped her arms around Natasha's torso.

The traffic wasn't too terrible, and they made it to Madison Square Garden in minutes. The two parked the motorcycle and began on one of the paths.

They stumbled upon a row of food trucks and decided on burritos and churros for dinner on the grass. It was darker when the sat down under a park lamp, and they ate and enjoyed each other's company.

Natasha took Sarah up the glass elevator to the main floor. Sarah admired the sight of New York from up there. Meanwhile, Natasha admired the sight of Sarah.

The elevator doors opened and they were pushed into reality. Natasha led her out of the elevator, hoping to quietly sneak into her room.

However, they stumbled upon Bruce, still in pajamas and still watching his show. He looked at the couple, and his eyes widened.

He very curiously said, "Hi."

Natasha chimed in: "That's Bruce."

"Hello, Bruce. My name's Sarah," the guest smiled in a very bubbly manner. Bruce looked from Sarah to Natasha, then back to Sarah.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sarah."

Natasha smiled. "If you'd excuse us, Bruce?"

"Sure, go for it. Er, I mean, enjoy your night. See you in the morning—"

"Uh-huh," Natasha said with raised eyebrows. She locked her fingers into Sarah's and pulled her off to her room.

"Damn," Bruce said, part amazed by Sarah's juxtaposing personality and part stunned Natasha could move on to a girl like her. He was also somewhat caught off guard that she liked girls, but the first two things were far more surprising. "Huh."

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