TWENTY-NINE / when quicksilver didn't know how to tie his shoes

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Wanda sneered with laughter. "I can't believe this! I can't believe I never noticed!"

"What? I like them. They look cool."

"No, I don't dislike the shoes. I think it's bizarre you don't know how to tie shoes. The velcro, it's just," she laughed, "Childish, no?"

He stood up and admired his shoes in the mirror.


She laughed and sat him down on the bench. "You need to learn, brother." She sat with him. She took off her shoes and handed him one.

"These stink," he said pointedly.

"Hush. Take one string and make a loop, like this."

He followed her instruction.

"Take the other string and wrap it around... pull through... and draw tight!"

He tried, and revealed his finished product. Hers was neat and tidy, while his fell apart when his fingers let go. He frowned.

"Again," she said, "Come on."

They practiced, again and again. He grew frustrated when he failed and proud when he succeeded. Eventually, he got it again and again.

"Good." She said, putting her shoes back on. "Get up. We're getting you big boy shoes."

He groaned. "Sister," he pleaded.

"Sorry, but you're a big boy now!" She twisted his arm and laughed. The two left the tower to get him tie-shoes.

**Let it be known that Pietro Maximoff, aged twenty-six, was a big boy now. Also, let it be known that though he added grown-up shoes to his collection, he still hasn't let go of the velcro pairs.**

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