TWENTY-SEVEN / when falcon went to a falcon ranch

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"Oh my God."

"Oh my God!"

"Nat! Are you seeing them?"

"Yes, honey. Yes, I am."

"Nat," he whined. She turned her phone off and tucked it away. She saw Sam staring at her, a falcon perched behind the screen behind him. "They're so cute."

"Yes, they are," she smiled. "Come on. I think they let you hold them."

"No way," he said ecstatically. "There's no way."

"I think there is," she led him on. They found their way to a crowded area outside. She led him to the front, where they saw the instructor with a falcon on his heavily gloved arm.

Sam audibly gasped, making the instructor stop what he was saying and look at the pair. Sam's face burned with embarrassment.

"Would you like to hold her?"

Sam sputtered.

"He'd love to," Natasha answered for him. She then whispered, "Go on."

Sam walked up to the instructor, looking at the bird's gorgeous feathers. "She's beautiful."

"She is. Her name's Fiona. Put that glove on," he instructed. Sam found the stray glove and out it on, strapping it tightly to his once-bare arm.

"Okay, I'm going to put her on now. Do not spook her and do not move your arm too much. You get tired, let me know and I'll take her back."

"Okay," Sam said, trying to keep himself together. Fiona hobbled onto his arm, looking him in the face. He smiled at her.

"See? Easy-peasy," the instructor told the group. He went on to explain Fiona's daily routine, how she's well trained and behaved, and how she came to their custody.

Sam's mind wandered off, simply captivated by her beauty.

The instructor even taught him how to pet her, which Sam was nervous about, but quickly grew fond of. Natasha took photos, of course.

The instructor then took her back, caged her, and ended the moment.

"Thank you," Sam said, giving the glove back. "That was... amazing."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. She sure took a liking to you."


"Oh, definitely. You'd ought to come back another time. We could teach you some of her tricks."

"That sounds great. Thank you."

"Of course. You two have a great day!"

Sam joined Natasha, still beaming. "You're glowing," she said happily.

"That was really awesome. I can't even explain it..."

"Your face says it all," she said, and it did. He was grinning from ear-to-ear, and his eyes twinkled. "I think you should definitely come back."

"I agree. Thanks for taking me in the first place."

She swung an arm around him. "Of course."

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