FINAL / when i had to say good-bye

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My Readers—

Thank you for skimming, or for reading every week's entry, or for something in between.

Thank you for the reads, comments, votes, and follows. I love you all immensely, and not just because of the support. I love you all for simply existing. Everything that follows is a bonus.

Maybe one day I will continue in this book of random, dare I say sporadic, one-shots, but today I must close this book and set it on my shelf.

I simply wish to focus more on my other, upcoming stories to make them the best they can be. I hope you all understand.

"Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened."
[Doctor Seuss]

Much love to each of you. I'm here if you need me. Feel free to check out my other stories, and if not, I wish you the best as you go on your way.

May you get to where you're going. And may you get what you deserve - the best.

—Your Author

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