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I sighed, falling backwards into bed.  

“What’s wrong with you?” Nash asked, and looked worried at me, “you’ve seemed to be so far away the last few hours?”

“I talked to Marie at the meet & greet,” I started.

“And so did I?” Nash lifted his eyebrow, seemed not to understand what I wanted to say.

I shook my head, “but I said something and she got all tore up. I just hugged her, I didn’t get to ask what was wrong. And during the show, I couldn’t find her anywhere. She was nowhere in sight.”

“Did she cry? And you didn’t even ask why?” Nash furrowed his nose. “Was it tears as a Fangirl or tears as in hurt?”

I sighed again, “I don’t know man,” the sentenced he said kept filling my brain.

Did she cry? And you didn’t even ask why?

I had every possibility to ask her, but I just hugged her. I’m so stupid. Maybe she left the show, because she was mad or disappointed with me. Maybe I’m not what she thought. Suddenly I felt some tears popping up in my eyes.

“Shit,” Nash said, laying an arm around me, “she really means something to you.”

I took away the tears with my hand, feeling my heart getting heavier and heavier, “yes,” I sniffed. “I’m feeling bad, because I never asked what was wrong. What if she stands me up tonight?”

Nash looked at me, in the way that showed me the “down worry”-look.

I nodded. I understand I’ve to think more positive. Maybe I just couldn’t see her, I mean there were a lot of girls there.

The clock was almost 7pm, so I went downstairs, to be there when she would arrive.

I stood in the door, waiting. I looked at my watch 400 times in a minute that night, until she came. I breathed out. She was still dressed in the same clothes as before, and so was I. I liked that, because that meant she was kinda chill with me.

“Oh I’m glad you came,” I said putting my arms around her.

She giggled, “Were you scared I wouldn’t?”

I nodded, “a bit. But I’m just glad you’re here!”

She laughed, “me too. But lets go, we better not be too late for the movie!”

I smiled at her and I didn’t move out of the place. She looked confused at me, “aren’t you gonna walk?” She asked, checking me out from my feet to my face.

“I don’t know with you, but I’m gonna take the limo right there,” I pointed at a big white limo across the street.

“No waaaay,” she said, while she widened her eyes, “did you order that?”

She grabbed my hand and we ran across the street, “did you really get that for just you and I?”

I couldn’t stop smiling, she was so cute. She was so surprised.

“Yeah I did. We’ve cars like that when we’re on tour,” I told her as I opened the door for her, “ladies first.”

She let go of my hand, and she went into the big limo.

“This is so crazy,” she said, looking around the car, “it’s the biggest car I’ve ever seen!”

I giggled, “what about a bus?”

She laughed, “well I’ve seen a lot of busses, but that’s for like at least twenty persons, this is for…” She looked at me and squeezed my hand, “for you and I.”

I grabbed her hand as she squeezed it. I felt like holding it. It went out so fast, but I could tell we were meant to be.

I lifted my hand and she lifted hers too. I looked at our hands while they slowly fitted together. They were made for each other.  

I looked at her, and she smiled to me. She then looked down and laid her head on my shoulder. It felt so right. She was so comfortable.

“We’re here now,” I said as the driver stopped the limo. She raised her head, and smiled to me.

“Yeah,” we got up and went out of the car.

I told the driver to pick us up in two hours again. He nodded and back to the hotel.

I walked back to Marie, who stood and stared up in the sky. I grabbed her hand and looked up too.

“The stars are so beautiful,” she said.

I bit my lip, wanting to say something nice, “not as beautiful as you are.”

For a second I was so scared it was way too corny, but I guess it wasn’t. She looked at me and smiled. She pointed to me, showing I should move closer to her. She turned my face to the side, and she kissed my cheek. “You’re so good to me Cam,” she whispered in my ear.

Her voice and breath gave me chills all over my body. I looked at her, and I saw she had tears in her eyes again.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

She nodded, “nobody has ever been so sweet to me.”

I cuddled her cheek, “why?” I asked, so low that my voice turned out being raspy.

She just sent me a smile, and said, “ let’s go inside, the movie will start soon.”

We went inside of the big and colorful theatre called Palads. It was so cool to be honest, and I guess it was supposed to be the best first date ever.

“You want anything? Popcorn? Cola?” I asked.

She nodded, “if we can share.”

I felt the butterflies going even crazier than ever before. To share with her would be so amazing.

“Sure,” I answered.

She held the x-large popcorns and I held the x-large cola. I was so exited and I just couldn’t keep my eyes off her. To be honest, I was sure I didn’t get to see much of the movie. I would rather look at her. She was even more exiting.

We sat in our seats, when she suddenly giggled, “Cam?” She said.

I looked at her, “mmh?”

“Catch!” She yelled and threw some popcorns at me. I didn’t really expect that, so I might have made a silly face, because she burst out in laugher. She was so cute, so I started laughing with her.  “You’re totally a bad catcher,” she taunted.

“Ohhh,” I said, “so I’m a bad catcher huh?” I tickled her in the side, making her laugh.

“Shhh,” a man in front of us said.

“The movie is not even started yet?” I sent him a confused look, making Marie giggle a bit.

“Try to throw some again, and we’ll see if I’m a bad catcher,” I winked at her.

She accepted, and to my own luck I caught them in my mouth making her clap and giggle.

“Am I still a bad catcher?” I asked.

She shook her head and moved closer to me and whispered in my ear, “you’re the best catcher I’ve ever seen.”

Gosh that girl. I’ve an even bigger weakness for her, when she whispers.

“Yay, it starts!” She said, smiling at me.

She meant the movie. She grabbed my hand, as she turned her face in the direction of the big screen. I couldn’t keep my eyes from first her, then our hands that totally fitted together as nothing else in the world, then at her, our hands, her, our hands, her.

That was pretty much how it went out, during the whole movie.

SHE GIVES ME BUTTERFLIES (w. Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now