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I went outside, feeling the cold air hitting my cheeks. I putted my hands into my pockets. I passed a lot of dark streets, during the way. I was searching for a jewelleryshop, to hopefully find the perfect ring for Marie. I felt like I was walking for hours, but I guess it wasn’t more than a half hour to be honest.

I found the shop, and it was, to my luck, open, even tho it was late night.

I went inside.

“Hallo,” a shop assistant smiled to me. It was a man, “how may I help you gentleman?”

He talked to me, as I was a rich old man, who lived in the white house. But duh, I was just me.

I smiled back, “I’ve to find a ring for a special girl.”

He rubbed his hands, “what a lovely idea. Come with me, I guess I have exactly what you’re looking for.”

I gladly followed him. I could tell he was one of those men, who knew what they are talking about.

“Here you go,” we stopped in front of a big glass cube, with a big lock on it.

I almost lost my chin, and he seemed to know exactly why.

“Yeah it looks very expensive,” he said, “but not all of it is.”

I breathed out in relief. Thank God tho.

I was looking at each of the rings, making sure to find the real one. It was a hard choice, there were so many of them, and each of them was unique.

But then I found one. And in the second I saw it, I knew it was gonna be it.

It was a ring made of silver. It was formed as an infinity sign, with a little diamond in the middle.

“That one,” I pointed, “It have to be that one.”

The man smiled, “sir have you seen the prize?”

I widened my eyes, “no?”

“it will be 632,21 dollars,” his smiled faded away.

I didn’t really care. I mean, I actually had the money. And I needed her to get it tonight. I couldn’t wait. And it just kinda told and showed my endless feelings for her, and how I wanted her to be mine forever.

“I take it,” I smiled.

The man smiled back and shook my hand, “Thank you.”

He opened the glass box and took it out, showed it to me one last time. I nodded. He then started walking, “come with me,” he said.

We walked to the desk, I brought the ring and said bye to the man, who thanked me many times.

As I went outside the shop, I couldn’t keep a little no-sounded laugh inside. He was so happy because I brought a freaking ring.

It felt like it wasn’t that cold anymore, but I guess it was just because I felt the warm growing inside of me, by the thought of Marie and how I was gonna ask her tonight.

I kinda got nervous.

When I came back to the hotel, she was singing with Shawn. He played a lot of records at his guitar, and he was very focused.

Marie looked at me and smiled, “where have you been?”

I smiled back at her, “you’ll see later.”

Shawn seemed to be able to not stay too focused in what he was doing, because he looked up at me, “aye man, you should hear her voice when she sings, it’s truly amazing!” He said and smiled to me.

SHE GIVES ME BUTTERFLIES (w. Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now