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She looked at me with tears in her eyes, she took a deep breath and said “are you sure you won’t hurt me?”

I widened my eyes “thousand percent sure.”

I kept holding her chin, because if I let go, I knew she wouldn’t look at me, and see how much I meant what I said.

She just stared at me. I could see even more tears filling up her eyes. Then she closed them and they ran down her cheek.

She formed her lips into straight line for some seconds, until she breathed out. Her voice shook, “I’m sorry.”

I sent her a confused look, “sorry for what?”

She opened her eyes, “it’s just..” she mumbled, “hard for me to trust anybody. All my life I thought they loved me. All my life they lied to me.”

I turned off the flashlight, wrapped my arms around her and laid us down.

She cuddled into me.

“How can I win your trust?” I whispered into her eye, as I then kissed her soft cheek.

She sniffed, “I don’t know.”

A silence, once again, hit us.

“I’m sorry for just crying,” she then mumbled, “I know I’m annoying. I guess that’s why no one likes me.”

I tightened my grip around her, “you’re not annoying, and you’ve every right to cry. I mean, what’ve you gone through.... that’s so hard to believe, it can actually happen to anyone in this world.”

She kissed my chest, “Cam I think I need to get some sleep.”

I nodded, totally forgot how dark it was in the room. She couldn’t see me.

“Yeah, me too,” I answered kissing her forehead.

I felt how she wrapped her arms around me. And she didn’t let go.

I was just staring into space, thinking about what she just told me. Man how I wished I could do something for her. Just something that would make her forget about the let down she got from her parents. But what could even make something that bad, make her feel better? My brain started to hurt, and my eyes were about to close. I was so tired.

I heard how she carefully fell asleep, and how her breath got heavier. It made me calm. I enjoyed her grip around me. I could feel my heart started pumping faster and harder. She gave me so many butterflies.

Suddenly, I fell asleep too.

When I woke up the next morning, she wasn’t by my side anymore. I kinda freaked out, “Marie? Marie, where are you?” I asked. As I got no answer I got up from my bed. I searched for her in the bathroom, actually in the whole room. She wasn’t in here anymore.

I walked out of the room, to find her. Then I heard her laugh.

And as I walked closer, I heard what she said too.

“You’re really cute,” her voice spoke.

I felt my heart skip a beat, and I stopped walking.

Who was cute? Who made her laugh? Why did she leave my bed, without waking me up?

I decided to walk closer and then I saw her sitting on the floor in the common room.

I couldn’t see anyone else standing in the room, otherwise than her.

“Marie?” I asked. She turned around and then I could see a little cute face standing in front of her.

It was Skylynn, Nash’s littlesister.

SHE GIVES ME BUTTERFLIES (w. Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now