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The hours passed fast that day. We were in my car, on our way to my mom and sister. I was driving. Marie turned the radio on, and it was playing Justin Bieber’s song, All That Matters. I knew she like him, so I send her a few looks during the drive. She was singing to it, giving me goose bumps. Her voice was so beautiful. And to be honest, if Justin and Marie made a duet together it would slay. I could tell, because their voices sounded so beautiful together. I couldn’t stop smiling. We stopped at the traffic lights. I locked my eyes on her, making her look at me too. She then stopped singing.

“You don’t have to stop,” I said and smiled. I showed her my arm, and how the goose bumps were all over.

She giggled, “why do you have goose bumps?”

“Why?” I said, “because you sing so good, like an angel,” I grabbed her hand with my right hand and kept the left hand at the steering wheel, getting ready to drive for the green light.

She giggled, but continued to sing, making me smile. And when the song was over, I could feel how she looked at me.

“What’s up?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the road.

“I’m just nervous,” she mumbled.

I tightened the grip I had around her hand, “don’t be,” I whispered.

“Okay,” she smiled, and a few seconds after she laughed.

I sent her a fast look, laughed with her without knowing why or what she laughed at, as I then let my eyes hit the road again, “why´re you laughing baby?”

“I’m just nervous and very exited at the same time,” she said and kissed my cheek fast, and sat back down in her seat, “exited about everything and nothing. Being here with you is so amazing, being away from all the past’s problems. Being here, living like every other teenage girl. Being her, where I got no worries about the future.”

I couldn’t keep a smile back, I got her trust and she got mine. It was my goal from the very start. It was all I wanted, next after her to be happy. And she was too. I felt the butterflies flying around my stomach, with such a big excitement in their stomachs. And I don’t care if smart people would say butterflies can’t get butterflies, I’m pretty sure mine had during this drive.

“Marie,” I started, “you don’t know how much it means to me, to hear that from you. It’s amazing.”

She giggled, “it feels pretty amazing too.”

I stopped the car and looked at her, “we’re here.”

We looked out of the windows, looking down the long street with trees on each side, a lot of big beautiful houses. This was where I lived during my whole childhood. It felt terrible to think about how Marie grew up. In a very big city, but in a small house. With her dad… And her mom. Growing up for her, was awful. I let my hand touch her soft cheek. She looked into my eyes. She smiled, “why do we just sit here? Aren’t we going inside?”

I nodded and smiled, “if you want to.”

She widened her eyes, “if I want to!” She paused and then continued, “I’m dying to.”

I laughed, “wait here.” I got out of the car, and walked to her door. Opened it and grabbed her hand, getting her out of the car.

“Thank you sir,” Marie said and laughed.

“You’re welcome miss,” I answered and closed the door. As Marie was about to walk, I grabbed her waist and pulled her into me, kissing her soft on the lips, before we went inside. As we walked to the door, she grabbed my hand, I could tell she was a bit nervous. But she said she wasn’t anymore, but who isn’t the first time to meet the parents?

SHE GIVES ME BUTTERFLIES (w. Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now