Ring Ring

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So yea, I was crushed at the way he acted about my announcement and I assumed I'd never hear from him. So you can imagine my surprise when he called me Sunday morning. He wanted me to meet him at the garage where he worked. I agreed but it would have to be after church. I couldn't wait for church to let out. Racing to my car I headed there still wearing my Sunday dress and my hair in curls.

Seven was waiting by his car when I pulled in. Striding over he got into my passenger seat and smiled at me while flicking one of my curls with his finger. "I came straight from church". I explained.

"Little church mouse" he muttered.

Finding myself getting a bit frustrated I asked. "So why do you want to see me?"

"Why wouldn't I want to see you". I didn't know if that was a question or a statement so I replied.

"Well you did kinda drop me like a hot potato last night".

"Okay Lotus, let's be honest. Your to good for me. Your like a saint or some shit. Me, I'll wreck your world. I've done bad things and been in a lot of trouble".

"What things?"

"Well since I'm in a honest mood today I'll tell you. I've broken into places, robbed people, stolen cars, and just things".

"But you don't have to do that Seven. Haven't you got plans for college even if it's community?"

Seven laughed. "College and such isn't in the cards for me. Also don't think you can come along and change me or mold me into someone else. I like me as I am".

"I haven't said anything about changing you. I'm just saying theirs other options out there".

"Only in your world princess. Now about last night, you was less than a minute from me fucking you. I had to put distance between us before I did something we'd both regret....well I wouldn't regret it but you would".

"Do you have to talk so crude Seven?"

"That's me princess. I was going to give it to you good, see what rich pussy feels like".

"I think I should go" I stammered.

He laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not going to touch you...unless you want me to. I figured we could hang today".

I laughed and joked. "Are you asking me out now Seven?"

Looking serious he said "no". My smile fell at his harshness then he grinned and winked at me. "Learn to take a joke Lotus".

Before I could say anything he leaned over and captured my lips with his. The kiss was getting heated and I felt his hand  nearing my breasts. Soon as he grazed my my nipple we heard laughter and someone say. "Look Seven is canoodling miss money bags".

"Fuck" he grunted getting out. "Don't you fuckers have anything better to do?"

"Hey if she's like those other high class hoes I'm next" one of his friends said coming toward me but Seven jerked him back and glared fire at him. "Don't go near her".

"The fuck man. I just want to see what hot ass pussy tasted like".

Seven swung out and popped his friend in the mouth then got back in my car. "Let's get something to eat".

Stuttering I replied "But you just hit your friend".

Laughing he said "not the first time and it want be the last. He shouldn't talk to you like that".

"Correct me if I'm wrong Seven but you was talking to me like that yourself".

"That's different".

"How so?"

He looked at me darkly and almost to the point of being scary and said in a deep tone. "Because your mine".

I felt a tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach at his words. Almost like excitement. "What makes me yours?"

"Because I said so. You showed the wrong person attention".


Seven and I had been a couple for almost two months now and everything was perfect. To be so tough he treated me like a princess in fact that's what he called me. His princess. We hung with his friends often and by now they knew not to disrespect me. I actually liked most of them. I did hide my relationship from my friends and family because they would flip out. Seven and I had our first fight finally because it was my bff's birthday party this weekend and I couldn't miss it yet I couldn't take Seven.

"So I'm good enough for you to kiss and hug all over me but not good enough for your friends".

"It's not Like that Seven".

"Sure sounds like it".

"You know the deal Seven".

"Yea, your making it loud and clear. Go on to the party princess, but don't come back here".

"Seven please".

"Bye Lotus".

He started walking away. I ran to him wrapping my arms around him from the back. He tried to pry my fingers loose of him. "No Seven, I want go or you can come with me".

Eventually I convinced him to come along. Yes I knew my friends would freak but I didn't care. Seven meant to much to me by now. As we entered the party I held his hand tightly as all eye's stopped on us. My friend stormed over. "What are you doing with him Lotus?"

I smiled my normal bright smile and hugged up to him. "Meet Seven my boyfriend".

She eyed me and started laughing. "Okay good one Lotus, you got me. Now jokes over so he can go before everything is stolen from my house".

"It's not a joke. We've been together most of the summer".

Josh walked over glaring at him. "What the hell are you doing here".

"Go away Josh".

Josh sneered at me. "If your laying with trash like this your no better. Your just a nasty whore".

Without warning Seven jumped on Josh and pummeled him to the ground. I started crying and begged Seven to let Josh go. He was seriously hurting Josh and in my panic I took and ran out the door to my car. Before I made it I felt strong arms come around me. "Where are you going Lotus" Seven asked turning me to face him.

"I don't know" I sobbed. He saw how scared I was and wrapped me in his arms. "I'm sorry princess".

Placing me in my car he drove it away. Two days had passed and I refused his calls and didn't go to see him either. I just needed a break but Seven thought different and he showed me just how differently that night.

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