The Boss's Girl

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Pictured above is Lucas but picture him however suits you. Happy Reading sweeties!! Thanks 💖

Shutting my office door I tried to digest what this phone call revealed to me. I couldn't quite grasp it or wrap my mind around the ideas Agatha had running through her head. Now I had decisions to make, see where my loyalty lies. I mean, let's face it, Agatha was just some part time ass for me where as Seven was my boss. He pulled me away from the street life, gave me a job, helped me find my way. Was it worth betraying him? Not only that if Seven found out the truth we would be good as dead. One thing Seven was not was merciful, he pitied no one. Yes, Seven would surely kill me, that's if I decide to help Agatha.

I won't lie, I was bothered about learning of Seven and Lotus's secret relationship. I've been racking my brain lately wondering why Lotus dropped me like a hot potato. Everything was going smooth between us and the next moment she withdrew from me. Wouldn't answer my texts or calls, avoided me at work, all because Seven had sunk his claws into her, making her his. Fucking bastard gets everything. He could have any girl yet he had to choose mine.

Sure I liked Lotus but it wasn't love. I just wanted to sample her goodies that's all it was for me. Still she should've been up front with me and told me she was no longer interested instead of having me continue to chase her. But was it cause enough for me to get involved with this. I've done some fucked up shit in my life but could I do this, especially to someone I sorta know. Was it worth possibly getting myself killed, to take revenge out on the both of them.

This is supposedly the fool proof plan Agatha had dreamed up. Somehow she found out that Lotus was sold by her parent's, however the man who purchased her is no longer living. She plans to contact her parent's and make them aware of this then plant a evil seed in their heads. Suggest that they sale her to someone else and fatten their pockets further. Agatha has it all worked out. Seven leaves for Chicago soon on business and Lotus has decided to stay behind. In the meantime Agatha will befriend Lotus, convince her to go on a shopping trip with her, sneak a sleeping pill in her drink then deliver her to her parent's. When Seven returns she will simply say Lotus ran off deciding this life wasn't for her. She'll even leave a email for Seven to find from Lotus to make it all believable. And here's what's in it for me, she will demand money from Lotus's parent's, at least a million and we will split it evenly. What she wants me to do is keep the men at Seven's home occupied while she she lures Lotus out unbeknownst to them. Once she's gone I will sneak into the control room and delete their escape from the camera, then meet up with her to help with the delivery.

It all sounds simple, easy, and the money alone is tempting but I can't help but having this gnawing in my gut. If this goes wrong Seven will kill us and it won't be fast. He will throw us in his torture rooms and possibly carry this out for days. Even Agatha, he'll kill her too. Seven has no qualms about killing women if they have wronged him. First I need to test the water's a bit and find out exactly what Lotus means to him. My answers rely on his actions.

Standing up, I left my office and strode to Lotus's desk that had been placed right outside his office. He always kept his blinds open these days. My guess is so he can ogle her at work. I propped up on her desk and she seemed startled. "Oh, hi Lucas"

"Hello Lotus. Why haven't I heard from you?"

I saw her glance nervously at the intercom on her desk. I bet the fucker is listening, time to kick it up a notch. Trailing my thumb along her jaw, Lotus moved out of my reach. "What's up Lotus. You've been avoiding me?"

"Um, I, Lucas it's just not going to work out for us. I'm terribly sorry".

Before I could reply Seven's voice boomed out from the intercom and I could tell he was pissed. "Lucas in my office now".

Getting up I entered his office as he was pulling his blinds closed. "I would appreciate it if you left Miss. McNally alone".

"All do respect Mr. Lambardi but we have been on a few dates so I don't think I'm bothering her".

Coming from around his desk he came to a stop mere inches from me. "I assure you that you are bothering her as well as me".

Playing dumb I apologized. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you and Lotus had something going on. I'll stay away".

"Good, I'm glad we see eye to eye. Another thing, this isn't to be focussed with anyone. Miss McNally' s reputation is very important to her and she doesn't want her love affairs discussed among coworkers. Surely you understand that".

"Yes, yes I do. You have my word this will go no further".

Nodding his head he dismissed me. Back in my office I was a bit blistered at his reaction and treatment of me. Clearly it was obvious this wasn't some little fling but something serious. Glancing out my window I saw Lotus walking into his office and caught a glimpse of Seven grabbing her ass before the door sealed shut. Probably fixing to show her just how much he owned her. Without anymore thought I picked up my phone and called Agatha. Time someone had a dose of their own medicine.

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