Web Of Lies

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As soon as I entered my hotel suite Hector bombarded me. Thrusting a folder in my hand he said. "You need to take a look at this boss. Seems our detective is more than that".

Sitting down I scanned the papers not believing what I was reading. Stone was a,crooked detective plus that wasn't even his real name. His name was Caleb Lawerence and he worked for Jiles Haverick. Haverick was a enemy of mine. We bumped heads often with business but shared a mutual respect with each other, or at least I thought we did. We'd always compromise on deals that interfered with our business. There could only be one reason he had Stone or Lawrence or what ever the fuck his name is searching for me....he wanted me dead.   But that wasn't my concern, my concern was Lotus. She believes he's a good guy thats wonderful. The only reason he's swooning Lotus is to get to me and that means he will hurt her and hold her captive to lure me in.

The thing is he doesn't realize that I'm nothing without Lotus. That I would gladly lay my life down if it meant she would live. I'm not scared of death, I'm scared of living in a world where Lotus doesn't exist. If something happened to her I'm dead as well, I'd go insane then join her in the here after. She is the blood in my veins, oxygen to my lungs, transmitters to my brain, and the beat to my heart.

Without wasting anymore time I gathered my men and held a brief meeting. The most important thing right now was keeping Lotus safe and do it unbeknownst to her. She's already terrified of me and if she suspected me or my men was watching her it scare her more. Not only that it may cause her to turn to Lawrence and I didn't want him to know that I was on to him.

Me along with a few of my men staked out near her place. Disguised in a repair van we set and watched. Everything seemed to be calm but as the day wore on we hadn't saw Lotus. Sneaking up the fire escape to her window I peeked in. Something was admist. Judging from the looks of things some sort of struggle took place. Furniture was overturned, pictures hanging crooked, and her alarm clock was still beeping. Pulling my gun from my jacket I slid the window up and scurried in. Easeing quietly into the room I carefully checked the surroundings but came up empty handed. There was no sign of Lotus but clearly something had went down here. Yelling over my shoulder I instructed my men to search thoroughly for any clue. Several minutes later one of my men called out. "Hey boss, you might want to take a look at this".

Rushing over to where he stood he pointed to Lotus's vanity table. There laying amidst her makeup's and perfumes was a card with a dagger jabbed through it holding it down on the vanity. Wound around the blade was a lock of Lotus's beautiful hair. Letting the strands of hair glide through my fingers I jerked the card up. There was no name, no address, only a phone number. As my insides twisted into knots I retrieved my phone from my pocket and punched the digits in.


I was able to fall back into a fitful sleep after Travis's call but it didn't last long. As I was finally going into a deep sleep I heard my door buzzer being pushed frantically. Setting up I jumped into my robe and hurried to the door. I had no idea who would be at my door at this time. I was filled with apprehension wondering if it was Seven returning. Peeking out the peek hole I breathed a sigh of relief at seeing Travis. Opening the door with a concerned expression I asked. "Travis, what in the world. Is everything okay?"

Stepping into my apartment he nodded and said "I just had to see if you was okay for myself".

"I'm good" I replied heading to the kitchen to prepare us some coffee. I noticed that Travis had a awkward look to him. Almost strained yet mad. "Are you sure all is well?"

"For me it is but not for you".

"What do you mean?"

Taking a calculated step toward me he hissed. "Your a liar Lotus. I watched Seven leaving here earlier. I know you know exactly who he is and what he does".

"I'm sorry Travis for lieing but you don't understand, if I spoke of him he'd kill me for sure" I said as my teeth worried my bottom lip.

Travis gave a menacing chuckle that sent chills up my spine. "It's doesn't matter Lotus, either way your dead. You see I'm not your typical detective. I also work for a mafia leader and I use my detective skills to track his enemies. Seven just happens to be his enemy and next on his list. When it was clear that you wouldn't give me the slightest info on him I decided to gain your trust, make you feel special and loved. I did however enjoy fucking you though. I must say your cunt was some of the best I've had. Anyways I'm using you to lure that bastard in to kill him".

My insides felt as if I would spew any moment. With a shaky voice I claimed "He won't come for me. Seven doesn't love me. He could care less if you took me or not".

"Bullshit Lotus", Travis growled. "I gave this place well bugged. Not only can I hear you i can see you as well. I saw and heard the heartwarming display you two put on tonight. That man adores you and having you means I have power over him. Now, be a good girl and willingly come with me".

"No" I screeched and took off running toward my window to escape by the fire escape. It was useless though, Travis grabbed me by my hair yanking me back. "Oh poor Lotus, I was so hoping you'd make this easy for me".

Travis rammed his palm against my cheek with enough force I felt my brain rattle. Before I could recover he threw me around the room knocking my lamp off the table. As I laid sprawled on the floor he jammed his foot into my robe and I felt my robe crack. Crying out in pain i begged him to stop. My pleas fell on deaf ears as he continued his assault on me. By the time he was done I resembled a boxer who had just lost the match. Bending down he took his knife and sliced off a huge chunk of my hair. "Think I'll leave Seven a bit of collateral".

Tossing me over his shoulder he carried me out to his waiting car where I blacked out from pain. How could this be happening again. Why is it that everyone I came in contact with hurt me? I'm going to die not knowing what love feels like. To be honest I was content with dieing, I was tired of all the hurt that constantly gets bestowed upon me. My only fear was having to possibly watch Seven die before my eye's.

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