Art Of Betrayal

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Looking down into Lotus's eye's, for the first time I saw her for what she truly was. One of them. One of the rich bastard's that got their jollies off on people like I once was. Here she was helping one of the worse of her kind. The bastard that was responsible for having her sent away, ripping her from me, and the fallout of her parent's. She can no longer pull the wool over my eye's. There's nothing sweet or innocent about her and probably never was. I was a young boy that was infatuated by her looks and charm and when she showed me attention I became blinded from the truth. She was just a girl chasing the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, typical good girl fantasy, but when pushed came to shove she'd choose them, always would.

But to think that the woman I loved, the woman I'd walk through fire for could betray me was more than my mind could handle. Was this their plan all along? Her parent's hit rock bottom and discover her lost lover struck it rich? Place her in the same town I ruled, employment at my own fucking business in hopes of her snatching me up again. Using Asher Evans as a pawn so I'd rescue her. It all makes since now, her begging for me to spare her parent's life when rightfully they should be dead after the things they pulled. Who wouldn't want them dead, child or not. But to betray me in my own home was beyond stupid and I wouldn't allow it to slide. Watching her holding Josh up as he wavered I grinned and shoved my foot into his gut sending him pummeling down the stairs. Lotus let a shriek out and ran after him. Slowly I descended the stairs to find her hovering over his broken body trying to soothe him. It was a shame the prick was still alive.

Jerking him by the arm I drug him back into his room slamming the door shut. As I turned to look at Lotus the terror was evident on her face and she made a mad dash for the stairs but I tackled her down. Jerking her to her feet I gripped the back of her neck tight. "What are you doing Lotus?" I hissed. "Why are you down here after I strictly told you to never enter here?"

Mumbling through her sobs she cried "I-I wanted to speak to my parent's".

"About what? What to do now?"

Looking confused she whimpered "I wanted to know why they did this to me. W-why do you have Josh?"

"That's none of your damn business. Why was you trying to break him out is more important".

"He needs a doctor Seven. I was taking him to get medical attention".

Sneering I spat. "Trash like him deserves to suffer. Your game is over Lotus. I'm no longer under your spell. It took me awhile but I finally figured it out. You and your parent's thought I'd just fall head over heels in love with you again and you'd sink your claws into my money. Sorry princess, it's not going to happen".

"What are you saying Seven? Listen to yourself. You know me better than that, I'd never do that to you. I'm not helping anyone I swear. I love you. I just needed to hear what my parent's had to say for themselves because it hurts and they owed me peace. As for Josh I heard someone in pain and I couldn't fight the urge to help. I had no idea it would be him in that room. Please Seven, he needs help badly. You don't have to kill everyone. Learn to forgive and move on".

"It's to late for him Lotus. He'll speak if I let him go. Remember I'm the Seven Deadly Sins, I'm the unforgiven".

Lotus shook her head harshly at me. " You don't have to do this Seven. Walk away from all this".

"Shut the fuck up Lotus" I boomed out  jerking her neck harder causing her to whimper in pain. "Now I need to decide what to do with you, the one who was trying to betray me".

Her body started trembling more. "Please Seven, you know that's not true. You know me".

Laughing angrily I agreed. "Indeed I do. I know the little rich girl that got what she wanted. Whose parent's were crooks that's trained their little girl well".

"No Seven no. I love you please believe me".

Grabbing a handful of her hair I drug her to a empty room as she screamed and tried her best to fight me off. She sunk her teeth into my arm but I wrapped my hand around her throat squeezing the air off. She released her bite as she tried to fight for air. Once in the room I slung her up against the wall where she slid down to the floor grasping for air. Whipping my gun from my waistband I aimed at her head. Her tear flooded eye's met mine and the look in them was indescribable. Stuffing my gun away I fled from the room locking her in. As I passed Josh's cell I stormed in and unloaded on him. Settling in my office down here I buzzed for Hector. Within seconds he stood in front of me. "I found our breach in security, it was Lotus".

A surprised look came across Hector's face "are you sure boss?"

"Absolutely and never question me. Have the men clean the cell where I had that man. I just ended him."

"And Lotus?" Hector asked with a tinge of concern.

"I haven't decided yet. Make sure the men are instructed not to go near her cell, that includes you. I know you think a lot of Lotus but she isn't to be trusted. The thing with her parent's was all a hoax. I caught her trying to help my prisoner escape this morning."

"Yes boss" Hector said and left to do my bidding. Pouring me a glass of scotch I sat behind my desk with my mind reeling. Could I be misreading this entire situation? Could she be telling me the stop it Seven. Don't let her fuck your head up anymore. You clearly saw her helping Josh escape. Taking a huge gulp of liqueur I welcomed the burn. Time to get busy and end all this. First things first, what to do with her parent's then her.

I just had the opportunity to shoot her but fuck, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Pouring myself another round I tossed a few options around. Have one of my men shoot her, sale her, or just let her rot away in that cell. Getting up I shut my office door to keep from hearing her cry.

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