Surprise Visit

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A few weeks later Marcy and I found ourselves in a glitzy hotel in NYC. Our first day there I spent showing Marcy around, this being her first trip there. The second more I left Marcy to her own devices but promised to be back in time to join her for dinner.

As soon as Sevens house came into view fear gripped my stomach and I felt my anxiety rising. Memories of my last weeks spent here resurfaced and a nagging thought popped into my head, what if he doesn't allow me to leave,what if he locks me away again. Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself forward until I reached the entrance gate. A few men that I knew guarded the gate and I explained this was a surprise visit. After a few moments of badgering them they allowed me entrance. Slowly I turned the door knob and eased into the greeting hall. I stood there for a moment trying to decide where I should search for him first. Choosing his office I headed that. I found the door open and I was shocked when I peeked in. It was empty, no desk, no chairs, the shelves were cleared off. A tad confused I headed toward the kitchen but I noticed that several pieces of furniture was missing and the place was looking empty. Turning into the kitchen I ran smack into Seven. Letting out a squeak he jumped back as well.  "Lotus what the hell? What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry. Is this a bad time? I wanted to surprise you."

"No, no. It's not a bad time, I just wasn't expecting you. It was a surprise but a good surprise".

Smiling back at him he pulled me to him in a tight embrace. "I'm glad your here. I've missed you".

"I missed you too." Breaking the hug I glanced around. "Are you remodeling or something?"

Seven placed his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. "You could say that. A lot has been going on and well... I'm moving."

"Really?" I asked shocked.

"Yep. I got me a nice pent house apartment with an amazing ocean view".

Looking confused I asked. "Ocean view? Where are you moving to?"

Giving me a sly grin he said. "A nice, warm, sunny place. I'm moving to Flordia at the end of this month".

"Your what? But how, why? What about your business and everything else?"

"I'm retiring from the mafia at the end of this month. Hector is taking it over. Of course I will always be here if he needs me. As for my corporations I will keep them, I'll just be moving the headquarters to Flordia as well. I've already purchased my new building and it's in the process of being set up".

"I don't understand. Where is all of this coming from? Why?"

Taking a few steps toward me he ran his finger up and down my arm. "Why do think princess? This is all for you. I told you I would change and do what was necessary to have you. I'm giving it all up for you".

"But Seven..."

"Shhhh... Don't overthink on this. It's also what I want. I'm proud of my changes and happy".

My eye's started watering as I saw how serious he was about us. The changes were visible and I believed him. "Yes Seven".

"Yes what princess?" He asked not understanding what I was saying.

"Yes, I will".

"You will what babe?"

Laughing I clasped my hands together and bounced up and down. "Yes I'll marry you. I want to marry you. Yes".

Laughing through my tears at his flabbergasted appearance he stumbled over his words. That's right, Seven was stuttering. "W-wait, it wasn't supposed to go down like this. I mean yea, I want to make you my wife but I was supposed to ask you".

He ran off leaving me worried. Finally he emerged and fell to his knee in front of me. Pulling a satin box from around his back he opened it and I almost fell out. It was beautiful and unlike any ring I ever saw. A huge diamond was shaped like a cupcake and several emeralds encased the diamond. A pink diamond sat between each emerald. The colors were very complimentary which only enhanced it's uniqueness.

"I hope you like it. I had it specifically made for you. I was inspired by the first cupcake you gave me".

"I love it and I love you".

"Marry me princess".

"Yes Seven, yes" I managed to say through my tears. He slid the ring on my hand then yanked me down to him smashing my mouth to his. We made love like never before right there on the kitchen floor.

That's been Seven years ago since that day and I made the right choice. Seven has been the man I've always dreamed of. No, he's not perfect but he's perfect to me. He still has random outbursts that I find rather cute now but he'd never harm me. He's also helped me expand my bakery into several other cities with his business expertise. We hear from Hector often especially since him and Marcy are due to get married soon. Also I know that Seven still does a few jobs along with him but nothing too dangerous.  I'm okay with it though because I can't express how good Seven really is to me. I know it sounds cliche but he's made my life into a actual fairytale and I do feel like a princess, his princess and we are getting ready to make our lives complete. That's right, at this very moment Seven is setting beside me rubbing my swollen belly. Our little bundle of joy should be arriving any day.

Some people say a sin for a sin, point the finger at the sinner, taunt, torture, shun and expose them. Not me though,  I say those without sin cast the first stone as I hold the hand of Seven Deadly Sins.

I hope you enjoyed this story and thanks for taking the time to read, vote, and comment. Much love💗

Keep you eye's open for my next one that will be coming very soon. Blue Oblivion. I will be heading away from the mafia on this one sort of. Think modern day hot pirates with a splash of danger, love, hate, steamy sex, killings....hmmmm maybe you can say the mafia of the Hope you enjoy it and as always love hearing your thoughts and comments!!

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