Curiosity Killed The Cat

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Stretching felt so good. My muscles were so tight and sore from the turmoil I'd been through then add Seven's rough lovemaking from last night to the mix and I felt like a train wreck. Not that I'm bitching about last night, in fact Seven always took care of my needs to the point I would beg him to stop. Easing off the bed as not to wake him, I jumped into a quick shower to erase the evidence of last nights love session and hopefully ease my aching muscles.

Pulling a pair of yoga pants over my hips, I slipped into a razor back tank and sneakers. I piled my damp hair into a messy bun not feeling up to much of nothing. Creeping out of my room I made my way to the kitchen for some coffee or what I like to call my fuel. Bringing the warm beverage to my nose, I inhaled the rich aroma and was given a instant perk. As I sat sipping my coffee i nibbled on a croissant and my mind wondered to my parent's who were tucked away in the depths of Sevens home.

I was a nosey creature by nature and I wanted to explore the rooms Seven told me was highly off limits to me, but more than that I wanted to see my parent's. I wanted to look them in the eye and ask if they ever did love me or was I just another investment to them. I wanted to know how they could be so cruel as to have sold their only child. I had so many unanswered questions tugging at my mind. Refilling my mug, I checked my surroundings and slipped down that forbidden staircase every so quietly. A massive cement hallway lit with fluorescent lights stood before me. Etching my way in slowly I saw a nicely decorated room adorned with a polished desk. This must be another of Sevens offices I thought. Passing it by I saw several steel doors lining both sides of the hall. I was afraid to know what may lurk inside even though I had a gut feeling what was in those rooms. I listened intently trying to hear any sounds of life and just as I was about to pass the door by I heard the soft whispers of a woman.

My mom, that was my mom's voice. Nearly jerking the door open I peeked inside. The only light was what streamed in from the open door. Taking my hand I searched the wall until I located the light switch. With nervous fingers I flicked the light on and saw my parent's chained together in the corner. All I could do was stare at their tired, dirty bodies hunched over from fatigue. Tears sprang to my eye's at seeing them like this. Yes, I know what they did to me, but there was a time they showered me with love and affection. It hurt, all of this hurt. With a croak in my voice I asked "are you okay".

"Help us Lotus, you've got to help us from that vile man".

"I-I can't. I have no control over the situation. He want kill you I promise".

Spotting a small sink I went to it and rinsed my mug out. Filling it with water I went to them and took turns pouring it down their dry throats. That's when I got a good look at the room. Bullet holes chipped into the cement walls from rounds fired. A huge drain hole was in the center of the floor at a slant. Taking note of the water hose I assumed that was to wash the evidence down the drain. A table sat near the sink lined with a variety of knives and tools. On the other side was a incinterater I can only guess what it was used for.

Looking at my parent's I felt my heart ache. Instead of hating them all I felt was sorrow. "Why?" I croaked out. "How could you do this to me".

My dad was the one who spoke. "It's all my fault Lotus. Your mom wanted no part of any of this. She was aginest it all but I forced her. I threatened to sale her as well if she didn't corporate".

My mom broke into sobs. "I'm so sorry my darling. I was scared and didn't know what to do. I never wanted you hurt".

Looking at them both I asked. "Was getting rich worth what you did to me? It's sick how the love of money could make you sacrifice your on child". Taking a deep breath I continued in a shaky voice. "I forgive you both and I will do all I can to get you out of here, but know this, once you leave here I never want to see either of you again".

My mom spoke between her tears. "I'm so sorry and I do love you but I understand. But please listen to me Lotus, get away from this man, he's no good. He's a killer, he'll ruin you or worse".

Almost laughing I said "the men you sold me to were no better, in fact Asher was worse."

Giving them more water I bid them farewell and my heart shattered as I shut the door on them forever. Trying to hold my sobs in as I walked I heard a muffled moan. Straining my ears I heard it again "help". The voice seemed to be saying. Yes, I know I should move along but this big heart of mine along with my conscious wouldn't allow it. Pressing my ear to the door I heard muffled whimpers of a man. Knowing I shouldn't I eased the door open and clicked the light on. A gasp racked my chest as my hand covered my mouth. Through all the swelling, blood and bruises there was no mistaken who this man was. The staunch of his body assaulted my nose and I had to fight the urge to vomit. No doubt about it he needed medical attention. Rushing to the sink with my mug I filled it up and brought it to him. Holding it to his lips he guzzled it down and cried for more. Quickly I refilled the mug and urged him to drink slower or else get sick.

After he swallowed the last drop he raised his swollen face to me and whimpered "please help me Lotus".

I was saddened on the inside by all of this. "It's okay Josh, I'll do my best".

That's right, this captive was none other than Josh. The same Josh I went out with a few times. The same Josh that gave Seven hell and in return Seven would beat him senseless. The same Josh that set Seven up as a thief and I turned in, as a result of me being sent away. The question that now remained was why did Seven have him. Please don't let this be because of me, because his lies ripped Seven and I apart and had me sent to that school. Please don't be. The most important thing right now was getting  Josh to a doctor, he seemed to be on his last leg. "Okay buddy, I'm going to take you to a doctor. I've got to move you though. Do you think you can help at all, maybe stand up?"

As he tried to stand I placed my shoulder under his arm to help him. Now how the he'll am I going to get out of here with him? I didn't let the thought of Seven or his men deter me because Josh needed help. I'll handle that when the time comes. We were almost at the top of the basement steps and I was basically dragging Josh backwards on his rear up the steps. Peeking out into the main hall I saw no one. I turned back around to lift him up the last step and as I yanked him onto the marble floor my back came in contact with something very hard. I knew without a doubt who that someone would be. Turning slowly I looked up into the stone face of Seven. If looks could kill I'd been burned alive.

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