Morning Fiasco

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Holy mackerel why do I feel as if I was ran over by a Mac truck. Soreness tinged my muscles as I tried to streach my aching body and this headache was out of this world. Feeling a cool leather material under my drool smeared cheek I opened my eye's wide. Where in the smudges am I? What happened? Jumping up from the couch, I tripped over something huge and hard. Landing with a painful umpfff I also heard a muffled groan. Looking down I realized I was straddling a man. What man I did not know, for the way I fell I was straddling his face. Letting out a squeak I scrambled up to my feet and stared down at a smiling Seven.

"Princess, if you wanted to sit on my face all you had to do was ask. There was no need to attack me while I slept".

"Errrr" I growled. "You wished. Now what the hell happened last night?" I asked gently kicking him in the ribs. Seven sat up looking at his rolex. "Shit, it's almost nine".

"What? Oh my God. I'm late for work. What am I going to do? I can't walk out there in yesterday's clothes looking like I just woke up. What will they think of me? Oh this looks bad."

Seven laughed. "Well you did just wake up. Technically your not late because your here. As for your clothes  well.... I don't have a explanation for that".

"Errrr" I growled at him again.

"Someone isn't a morning person". Seven mumbled.

"No, I am. It's just your a ass hat. You got me drunk knowing I don't drink. My head wants to fall off my shoulders and I just want to crawl in a hole and hide. My hair even hurts".

Laughing he handed me some aspirin and water. "Come on Lotus"

"What?" I hissed. I can't walk out there looking like this. They'll assume we slept together".

Arching his brows he asked. "Are you ashamed of me?"

"Oh whatever Seven" I groaned. "You know good and well that stuff doesn't bother me. What does bother me is coworkers thinking I'm sleeping with the boss to work my way up the ladder instead of my skills getting me there".

"But we didn't sleep with each other Lotus".

"Yea, but they don't know that".

"Or could it be that your worried what Lucas might think?"

Stopping in my tracks my cheeks lit up. "W-why would I worry about what Lucas thinks?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Oh come on Lotus. I saw the little display at your desk yesterday". Seven sneered as he approached me standing over me, with those dangerous eye's boring into my soul. "You know I have a rule. No company relationships. So what's up with you and Lucas?"

"N-nothing". I answered in a small voice. Seven's lips formed a tight, straight line showing his disbelief. Grabbing my hand he grazed his finger atop it in the most sexy way. Tingles immediately zipped through my body. "So you expect me to believe that when a man does this to a lady there's been no intimately  between them?" He asked in a low, deep, sexy voice.

Yes, I've been intimate with this man that I was allowing to sensually assault my hand. Watching through heavy lids he led my hand to his mouth and gently sucked my finger into the warm, velvety depths of his mouth. My heart was pulsing in my ears. Oh, this was delicious and I wanted to explore more. Our encounters as teens were great but lacked experience and were kept mainly PG. This I was feeling now was pure rawness. I wanted to rip his clothes off and do the forbidden things we never got the chance to do. I wanted to get so dirty with him. I wanted to suck on his..... What the hell
is happening to me? These thoughts are criminal and probably illegal in quite a few states. Snapping back into the here and now, I jerked my finger from his luscious mouth. Seven grinned and gave a evil smirk. "Now tell me about you and Lucas?"

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