Late Night Hours

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Placing Lotus right outside my office proved to be more of a distraction than I bargained for. The majority of the day was spent eyeing her and I couldn't focus on my work. I noticed several male employees chatting her up and for some reason I found that unsettling but one employee particularly really ruffled my feathers. Lucas.

I saw him stop by her desk and perch on the corner. Smiling down at Lotus, he gently drew circles on the top of her hand. It was clear that these two hadn't just met. Hitting the intercom I wanted to hear their conversation but to my surprise Lotus had turned the volume down. Smart or so she thinks. Lucas had well over stayed his welcome at her desk so I emerged from my office. Clearing my throat, Lucas jumped up and excused himself. Lotus looked up at me with her innocent blue peepers and asked with concern. "Do you need anything?"

Placing my palms flat on her desk I bent down looking her dead in the eye. "Do not turn the volume down on the intercom. When I buzz you I expect an answer."

Reaching over I turned the volume up to the highest level. "Always keep it there. Understood?"

Nodding her head yes she mumbled confusingly. "I must have hit it by accident. I'm sorry. Did you need me?"

Fuck yes I need you I thought but not in the work related way your thinking. I need you to go to my office, pull those stockings down along with your panties to your ankles then bend over my desk. I need to hear you cry my name as I release deep inside you. Coming back to reality I realized Lotus was staring at me awaiting a answer. "Yes, I need you to work over this evening. I own other companies as well and would like you to go over their stats and hear your input. Move the accounts around if you see fit".

"Okay, no problem. If you don't need anything at the moment I'm going to head to lunch".

Nodding my head I retreated back to my office. What the hell did I just do. I had nothing for her to look at later. She's making me loose my everlasting mind. All morning long I wanted to unravel that silk ribbon from her hair and trail it over her body before binded her wrists together with it. I watched as she would wiggle her feet out of those fuck me heels and flex her foot in the most sensual way. Her toenails were painted a bright purple and all I wanted to do was nibble her toes.  Think God I have to fly out to Chicago in a few days. I needed some distance from her.

Then I'd see her faintly bruised cheek and I didn't buy the falling in the shower tale. Lotus having been a dancer and cheerleader made her balance and agility skills remarkable. There was a story there and I was going to uncover it.

By six that evening the building had mostly cleared out as I stepped from my office. Lotus was no where in sight  and I felt my temper to creep up as I assumed she'd bailed. No sooner than the thought occurred she popped around the corner. "Sorry, I took a quick bathroom break and refreshed my water. Now are you ready to show me those stats?"

Motioning her to my office I pulled the files out and plopped them in front of her. "Knock yourself out"

Her eye's wondered off to Hector who was standing out in the lobby area. Whispering she asked. "Who is he?"


"Well not being rude but he's been lurking around all day and well... I haven't seen him doing any work".

Stifling my laugh I replied "Hector is working. He's my bodyguard so to speak. Rest at ease, he's not a creeper".

Lotus would be amazed at how many men I had stationed within my building for protection but less she knew the better. Lotus was so engrossed in her work the time crept up on me and my stomach reminded me I haven't eaten. Lotus was probably hungry as well. Within moments I had Chinese delivered to us. "Take a break Lotus and let's eat".

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