Brain Freeze

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My mind was one huge cluster fuck right now. A tangled web of memories, a mangler of unanswered questions. I watched from my office window as she exited my building, gazing on until she blended in with the busy streets.

How could one lone female make me come undone, fraying away at the seams. Often I thought of what I would say to her if ever given the opportunity. Strangely all the vile, hateful words escaped me when brought face to face with her. Even stranger was the feelings she evoked from me. One look at those sweet, pouty lips and I was sold, fighting the urge to swallow her whole, devour her, and this wasn't the teen love we shared. No, this urge I was feeling was that of a grown man. A man who wanted nothing more than to drive in and out of her heat until she cried for mercy, begged me for release. So many dirty thoughts rolled through my mind. I wanted to tie her up, blindfold her, make all my sexual fantasies come true. I only had a taste of her back then, now I wanted the full course meal.

What the hell am I thinking? She can't be trusted. I've had many women since her and still have them knocking down my door. It's amazing how striking it rich changed my life. Now women fought for my attention instead of turn their snobby noses up at me. That's why I want enter into a serious relationship. I knew these women wanted my money more than they wanted me. Top that off with my good looks, I was a hell of a catch.  If I was smart I'd stay far away from Lotus. She burnt me once she was sure to do it again. Yea, she gave me her story but chances are it's a lie or half the truth. Then again Lotus was never one to lie but things could have changed. One thing I did notice was her smile was gone. It did sorta peek out when she realized who I was, with that annoying, innocent giggle that drove me insane. Then I fired her and that glimpse of her vanished.

Taking a deep breath I reasoned with myself. The company could use her smarts. I could have her here and not let her interfere with my life. I was a man of control, certainly I could control myself where she was concerned. I could keep our relationship strictly business. Besides if she thought I was bad back then she'd totally flip out at how bad I was now. Now I was a stone cold killer, top mobster, the Don. Not only was I  involved in multiple criminal activities, I was the one who instructed it to happen and lead a huge operation of men to do so. My army of well trusted criminals so to speak. That was one thing miss perfect always objected to. I even went as far back then as to go on the straight and narrow path, but now.... No this business was my livelihood, my money, my pride, my power at last. I'd never give it up.

Enough with the foolish thoughts though.  There will never be anything between Lotus and I again. That ship has sailed. I can work with her and keep our relationship strictly platonic, work related, and professional. As well as hide my true identy. Leaning back in my chair I buzzed my right hand man, Hector in.

"Yea, Boss".

"Hector, the lady that was here earlier"

"Yes, a miss. McNally" he smirked obvious he had seen my outburst at seeing her.

"First wipe that smirk off. Second I want you to find out everything there is to know about her and her family. Everything from the past five years".

"May I ask how you know her?"

"Let's just say she's a blast from the past or a mistake. I haven't concluded which yet".

"Okay Boss, im on it".

After Hector left I informed my secretary to contact Lotus and have her meet me back here first thing in the morning. Fact was I needed someone like her that could juggle accounts the way she had. Truth is I can withstand her temptation. And why in fucks sake is bright green cupcakes on my mind.

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