In A Pickle

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By the time I reached my apartment I was a bundle of nerves, a basket case. Soon as I clicked my door open, I bomb rushed my bed and burried my face into my pillows to muffle my cries. How could this be happening to me. I'm not sure what I'm more upset about, losing my job or the way Seven treated me. Yes, I understand his reasoning for not liking me, but to be cruel enough to fire me? Especially after I told him the truth. That I didn't leave him but was forced.

After crying until my throat was raw, nose red, and my eye's bloodshot I sat up. Going to my cupboards I flung them open and snatched out the ingredients needed. One thing that got me through that soul breaking school was baking. During my spare time I'd seek refuge in the school kitchen. There I self taught myself to bake all sorts of goodies. Baking made me forget my worries and offered me peace of mind. Once in the kitchen I would get so engrossed in my cooking the world around me vanished. I even created my own cupcake recipe and if I do say so myself they was superb. My cupcakes outshines those from the best gourmet bakeries. Placing my headphones on listening to my favorite tunes I slithered into my own world, oblivious to my surroundings.

When I finally run out of steam cupcakes covered my kitchen table and counters smeared in the brightest shades possible. Wow, I really got carried away. What in the blazes am I to do with all these cupcakes? My phone buzzed interrupting my thoughts. Looking at the screen I saw it was SL incorporated. Praying that this call wouldn't make me loose what was left of my sanity and devour all these cupcakes, I answered in a shaking voice.


"Miss McNally?"

"This is she".

"Mr. Lambardi is requesting a meeting with you in his office 8 a.m. sharp".

"Yes, okay, good. I'll be there".

Hanging up I didn't know how to react. So many questions stormed my mind. Deciding to be optimistic I focused back on my cupcake flooded kitchen. Well Mona's birthday is this weekend so I could just take some for her and the employees and the rest I'll pass out amongst my neighbors. Setting several aside for work I headed out the door with the rest.

Making it back to my apartment I was in for a shock. Upon entering I saw Asher standing stock still in my tiny space. Sending me a angry glare he hissed. "I was informed you lost your job today. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"No, it was a misunderstanding. I return in the morning". Handing him my phone I showed where they had called me. Glancing at my phone he just gave a "hummm". I reached for my phone back but instead he slammed it into my cheek hard enough to crack the screen. Yelping out from pain and fear I scurried away from him but he stalked after me. Gripping my arms roughly he lifted me up to his face. My legs dangled as my toes barely skimmed the floor. Through gritted teeth he yelled. "Do not cause me any problems. Am I understood?"

"Y-yes Mr. Evans".

"Good". He grinned before slamming me to the floor and stepping over me on his way out. Once i heard the door shut I curled into myself and cried. My cheek was hurting and sure to leave a bruise.

The next morning I woke extra early. Appling more make-up than usual to cover my tender cheek, I donned a long sleeved jacket dress in blush to cover my bruised arms. Taking a ribbon I tied back my hair. On the way I picked up flowers for Mona and headed to work with twenty minutes to spare. Mona was thrilled to receive the flowers and everyone raved over my cupcakes. Finally  I entered Seven's office where he awaited me.

"Good morning" I mumbled as he merely nodded and gestured for me to sit. "Here's the deal Lotus. I'm willing to offer this position to you but know I will be breathing down your neck. If I even suspect your being shady your outta here. Understood?"

Nodding my head eagerly I said "Yes and thank you".

"I'm placing your desk right outside here where I can see you at all times. Don't let me catch anything Lotus. I assume your familiar with the current project".

"Yes, of course".

"Great. If you have any questions or concerns see me. Also before you pass anything run it by me first".

"I will".

"You may go now and set up your desk".

Nodding I stood to leave when Seven demanded "stop".


"Turn to the side".

Oh snicker bars, please let this not be about my bruise. I turned to the good side of my face. "Not that side" he growled. Slowly I turned my injured cheek to him.

Coming from around his desk he towered over me gazing at my cheek. "Who hit you?" He almost whispered.

"N-no one, I...."

I was cut off by his suddenly harsh tone. "Don't lie to me. I know what a hit looks like".

"I promise I'm not lieing. I slipped in the shower last night and my cheek smacked the tub".

He eyed me suspiciously. "Get to work" he grinded out and opened the door for me to exit. Walking to my desk I unloaded my bag and started organizing my items. I brought my good luck cactus with the pink blooms and placed it on the corner of my desk. Next I placed my favorite shiny green ink pen on my desk along with my cupcake shaped notepad and pink sticky notes. Bending down further into my bag I grasped weenie dog bobble head figure and situated on my desk. Strange I know but when I was concentrating on work bouncing him helped me focus. As I was booting up the computer my eye's caught sight of the floor to ceiling office window of Seven. Wow, I didn't realize how close I was to him. He sat behind his desk watching me. Once he saw me looking back he gestured for me to get to work and used the remote to close his blinds. Once the blinds were mostly closed I stuck my tounge toward him feeling satisfied until my intercom blared with his voice. "I saw that. Get to work".

Waiting a few seconds I mumbled "Good thing the intercom can't read my mind".

"What was that?" Seven's voice rang out again. Thinking fast I replied "I said good thing I've got a lot of ideas running through my mind. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get these ideas down before I loose them".

I swore I heard a growl emit through before it clicked off. Oh, this is going to be a challenge. At this rate I'm going to need to stock up on baking ingredients and spandex.

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