Killing Spree

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I'd been trying to contact Lotus for several hours now and nothing. This wasn't like her, yea at first I thought maybe she was still snoozing or bathing but she would've contacted me by now. It was time to contact my men and see what's up. Hector was with me so I called my next in charge, James. Answering on the first ring I didn't give him time to greet me. "Where's Lotus?"

"Um, boss we are currently working on that".

"The fuck you mean? Working on what?"

"Lucas called saying there was a security breach at the offices. We took off to deal with it and when we came back she was gone".

"What kind of security breach?

"Not sure. Nothing turned up"

"So your telling me you didn't leave any men back with Lotus? Now she's gone and the security breach was bogus? Is that what I'm hearing?"

"Yes, something like that. Agatha isn't here either. We are thinking they just went out".

"No, Agatha despises Lotus. That doesn't add up. I'm returning home immediately and if anything has happened to Lotus it will be your neck. You should have never left her unprotected".

Hanging up I immediately jumped onto the next flight and reached home within a few hours. Deciding to check my e-mail I ran across one from Lotus. 

"Seven, I'm so sorry but I've came to the conclusion that this life isn't for me. I will be gone upon your return. I'm safe and happy, please don't try to find me. Lotus."

That's bullshit. It didn't even sound like her, especially after the morning we spent together. Storming into my home I called all my men and the house staff into the spacious living room. I watched as they all lined the room with fear etched into their face. Including Agatha whom had returned.  "Someone here must think I'm really fucking stupid. I'm want some fucking answers now. Also have Lucas brought to me immediately so I can confirm this security breach".

"Boss we found her phone abandoned at a restaurant. We are having the videos checked now".

I nodded but before I could say more Agatha stepped up. "After the men left Lotus was very upset. She asked me to drive her away. Said she couldn't be with you anymore so I took her to eat to try and talk some sense into her. She wouldn't listen and knew her phone was traced so she left it. I then dropped her off at the mall".

Eyeing her suspiciously I opened my mouth to speak when my men drug Lucas in. "Tell me about this security breach Lucas?"

"I, um. I'm not sure, not much to it".

"The hell it's not". I roared. Lucas looked extra nervous so I pulled my gun out to add more fear. "If you tell me the truth now I'll spare your life".

His hands started to tremble as he finally broke. "It was all Agagtha's idea. She wanted Lotus gone so she could have you. She arranged it all and sold her back to her parent's".

My vision left me temporarily as  I digested what he told me. I looked at James and spat. "None of this would happened if you would have done your job right. You should have never left her alone" taking aim I burried a bullet between his eye's. "Let that serve as a reminder as to what happens if you don't follow my orders. Hector load Lucas and Agatha up in the suv, we are going on a road trip".

Once in the car I turned to look at them. "Tell me where to go and pray it's not to late".

We finally arrived at this small house that was dimly lit. Taking a few of my men with me I stormed the place. I had to patience for being quite on this mission. With our guns flashing we took the room by surprise. Her parents shrieked back as we detained them against the wall. There was a older gentleman there as well whom I assumed was purchasing Lotus. I immediately shot him down. Instructing my men I had them bring Lucas and Agatha in and line them against the wall with Lotus's parents. "Where is she" I gritted out.

Her mom pointed to a closed door. With my heart gripped with fear from what I may find behind that door I cautiously entered. There she was, curled into a fetal position cuffed to the bed. "Lotus" I barely whispered. She turned trying to face me and screamed my name out. Running to her I scooped her onto my lap. "It's okay baby. I gotcha". I called for my to bring me the key so I could uncuff her. Lifting her up the light caught her bruised face which only fueled my anger further. Wrapping her legs around my waist I carried her into the room with my captives. Aiming at Lucas, I sent a bullet through his eye. Lotus let out a shriek then looked up at me through her tears. I aimed at Agatha next. "Please Seven don't kill them. Please". Lotus begged. "Shhhh...princess. they deserve this". I tucked her face snuggly into my neck to shield her from seeing it. I could hear her still pleading for their lives as I raced another bullet into Agatha. I felt Lotus tense and tighten her grip on me. "Please Seven, not my parent's".

"I will never allow them to hurt you again".

"Please no Seven. If you did I'm afraid I'd never forgive you".

Hearing those words I lowered my gun for the first time ever. Sneering I looked at Hector. "Load them up and take them to my basement rooms. A few of you stay back and clean this place."

Before I could get Lotus in the car she blacked out. Probably from the drugs and stress of the situation. Once home I settled her in her room and had a doctor look her. After a few hours i went to check on her bringing a tray of food. She was sitting up in bed when I entered. The words she greeted me with was like a slap in the face. "Why didn't you tell me you slept with her?"

Oh fuck, how to handle this. "Baby I'm sorry, she meant nothing".

Waving her hand in the air to cut me off she hissed "I don't care to know the details. What I want to know is why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think it was important".

"Really? If I had known I was living under the same roof as your psycho lover this may have never happened. I wouldn't have bought her "let's be friends" mumbo jumbo".

"Sorry Lotus. I fucked up but you didn't follow my orders. I said not to leave without my men".

"I'm not a fucking prisoner or child."

Gripping her arms I shook her. "Do you see what happened today. I place you in their care for your protection not to hold you captive. Fuck if something worse would have happened to you....".

I cut myself off not wanting to think like that. "It will never happen again. Anytime I have to leave you will be right by my side. I'll never leave you behind again".

Pulling from my grip she finally asked. "Did you kill my parent's?"

"No. Their in the basement. Lotus we need to talk about that. I can't just let them go, they may talk, go to the police or anything".

"Your not going to kill my parent's".

"There's no choice Lotus. Fuck look at the shit they've done to you."

"Their still my parent's Seven. You can't kill them".

"I can do what I want. Now eat and get a bath and more rest".

"Fuck you" she screamed smacking the tray off the bed. "Don't you kill them".

Starting to lose my temper I headed out the door. "It's my job Lotus".

Shutting the door behind me I heard her scream "you kill them, you kill us".

Fuck I groaned reloading my gun heading to my basement. The sooner their out of the picture the better.

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