Ricci's Garage

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Continued flashback

I woke up with Seven on my mind this morning. I felt terrible for the way Josh treated him when he had only been offering me help. After my morning shopping spree with my mom I came home and changed into one of my new outfits. Slipping into a white mini skirt and a baby pink halter top I slid my silver jack Rogers on and headed out. I knew exactly where I was going, Riccis garage.

Stopping by a upscale bakery I bought a huge cupcake with bright green icing and a pink flower smashed into the middle. I was going to give it to Seven as a thank you for helping me out. I entered the garage into my navigation and headed that way. Shocking wouldn't even describe the scene as I entered the slum areas. Double checking to make sure my doors was locked on BMW I looked at the people that was wondering the sidewalks. Some drunk, some homeless, some just looked strung out. Trash littered the street and houses looked ready to fall down. As I was thinking this was a bad idea the garage popped into sight.

Pulling in carefully I noticed my car was the newest most expensive one in the lot. Most of the cars here were junkers. Some men just stared at me and I was to afraid to get out. Finally one approached and asked me what I was doing there. Obviously I looked lost in this part of town. Not rolling my window down I yelled through the glass. "I'm looking for Seven".

He gave me a odd look and took off yelling "Seven there's some rich lady asking for you. You aren't in any trouble are you?"

Seven emerged from the building shaking his head and wiping his greese covered hands on a rag. Holy shit fountains, he was shirtless and mama was liking. I thought the only way to break my eye's from his lickable chest was to ram the green cupcake in my eye's. Once he neared the car I jumped out smiling brightly.

"Why you here?" He asked in what sounded like a annoyed grunt.

Holding the bright flamboyant, flowery cupcake up to him with both my hands I'm smiled "I got you a gift for your help"

He glanced around to see if the other guys saw the neon cupcake. Sure enough they did and you could hear their snickers. "It's from the best bakery in town" I added sweetly.

"I'm sure it is. Nothing but the best for you people right?"

Looking hurt I mumbled "I just wanted to give you something in return for your help and apologize for Josh".

I felt tears sting the back of my eye's. Holy guacamole why am I always so sensitive. I lowered the cupcake from his face and went to get back in my car.

Reaching out he lightly touched my arm. "Look I'm sorry. This just took me by surprise. Don't do that".

"Do what?"

"Cry. Don't cry".

"I'm not crying. My eye's are watering themselves. Kinda like self cleaning."

He gave a lite chuckle. "Okay if you say so. Thanks for the cupcake. It looks really ummm, it's very...bright".

"You don't like it?"

"Yea I do, look, watch".

Seven unraveled the paper and finished it in just a few bites. "See, I liked it, it was good"

My bright smile returned. "I'm glad you liked it."

Suddenly my mouth grew it's very own mind and blurted out. "Do you have a break soon?"

"He grinned "in about twenty minutes".

"Would you like to grab a lunch?"

"Are you asking me out Lotus?"

Blushing I said "I don't know. I guess I am. Maybe like two friends going out for lunch. If you can't I under...."

"I'll go Lotus. You don't have to beg".

"I'm not begging".

"Yes, you was clearly begging".

"No, I was merely asking you out".

He laughed. "So you admit you was asking me out?"

"No I wasn't. I was...oh my goodness. People have to eat in order to survive and I was just wanting to make sure you ate".

He laughed out loud. "Okay Lotus, I'll go out with you. Sit tight while I finish up and finish watering your eye's".

I slunk down in the seat of my car fully embarrassed by my rambling self. Shortly he came back and slipped into the passenger seat. "Okay let's roll".

"So where's a good place around here to grub?"

He looked shocked. "You mean your not going into the upper part of time to eat?"

"I wasn't but if you want to we can"

He gave me directions to a pizza pub in his area. "This is a nice ride" he said referring to my beamer.

"I guess"

Seven snorted "See even this isn't good enough for you. I swear rich people don't have a grateful bone in their body".

"What? I never said it wasn't good enough. I actually wanted a jeep but my father insisted on this. Why do you have to be such a turd about things?"

"Sorry, I just assumed I guess".

"Like I could assume that your a no good thief because you live here".

"For all you know I am".

I eyed him skeptically "no your not".

"You never know Mrs perfect".

"Don't call me that. I'm far from perfect".

"No your not. Trust me your perfect and so damn chipper".

Yes I do have a bubbly personality and choose to see the good in everything. Some say I'm right annoying.

We chatted over pizza and agreed to split the tab. I had fun and as I dropped him back off at work I gave him my number. "Call me okay"

He nodded his head and got out. "Thanks for that circus of a cupcake"

I laughed with him this time. Afterwards I thought of what a fun time we had and hoped he'd call soon. Then it hit me, my father would be outraged if he knew I was talking to one of the low lifes. Not to mention what my friends would say. Honestly I didn't care. I was intrigued by Seven.

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