Battle Of The Wills

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The fuck I'm going to do now. Why the hell does she have to be so difficult? Can't she just let me do my fucking job without adding her two cents. Shit, damn it all to hell, what exactly does kill them, kill us supposed to mean anyways. That woman has my head all turned and twisted. If this is what catching feelings feels like I don't want this shit. God, I just want to put a bullet through those miserable bastard's heads, but no Lotus has to go and say that shit. Right now pacing outside these basement doors isn't solving a damn thing. It's only pissing me off more and making rethink my decisions. You know what, screw this. I didn't become Seven Deadly Sin's by bowing down to people and fuck it, I want bow down to Lotus. Her parent's or not, they have got to go. She'll understand in time that this was for the best.

Bursting through the door I unloaded my gun. Once the last bullet left the chamber I looked at my victim's huddled in the corner terrified. Not one single bullet hole in them. Fuck Lotus for playing with my emotions. Subconsciously I intentionally aimed at the wall away from them not being able to bring myself to kill them. Damn you Lotus you've got me sprung, my fucking hands are tied and I can't cope right now. Looking at her parent's I snarled. "That was just a reminder of what's to come. I will be back and you will die".

Running all the way back to her room I barged in only to find her soaking in a bubble bath. "How the hell can you relax at a time like this?" I half yelled.

"Did you kill them?"

"Fuck no"

I saw a snide little smirk touch her lips so I added for emphasis "not yet, but I will soon".

"No you won't Seven"

"You act as if your certain about this princess?"

Gloating she hummed "because I am. If you was going to kill them you would have already done it".

"Well it's hard to kill them when your threatening our relationship over it. You've got me all fucked up".


"So? All you can say is so?"

"Have you forgotten I'm still mad at you? You deserve alittle mental punishment".

"The hell I do. After all I went through in the last 24 hours and your fucking mad?"

She stood up from the tub looking all kinds of sexy with water and bubbles clinging to her, I instantly forgot what we was arguing about as a dumb smile came to my face. My mind quickly shifted to dirty thoughts. Stepping out she snapped her towel from the bar and secured it around her snuggly. "You can just get any nasty thoughts your having out of your head Seven. I'm telling you now that until my parent's are free my body is off limits. Not to mention you lied to me about having your girlfriend staying here".

"She was never my girlfriend. I just fucked her a few times okay."

"You fucker her enough she knew about your tattoo and freakish birthmark".

"Oh so now my birthmark is freakish. After all the times you said my birthmark was cute as a button now it's freakish. Stop being jealous and come here and love me".

Apparently calling her jealous was not a smart move. Glaring at me she screeched. "I am not jealous over any female you asshole, especially her. You should have told me about your secret lover that's all".

Laughing out loud I said "she wasn't a secret lover either. She was no more than a easy fuck. I'd come home and she was here. That's all, now drop it. And I'm mad at you as well. You disobeyed my request and left anyways".

"That's like comparing Apple's to oranges Seven. Me leaving is incomparable to you stashing away your whatever you call her. Now about my parent's".

Shit I thought she'd forgotten them by now. No such luck for me. "I given you my answer Lotus".

Without replying she stepped into her closet and reappeared fully dressed while pulling a suitcase behind her. "Wait, what's that for Lotus?"

"Your a smart man Seven, shouldn't be that hard to figure out. Since you refuse to let my parent's go I'll be moving on".

"The fuck you will. Your not fighting fair and your acting like the spoiled brat I dated back in high school."

Grinning she sang "All's fair in love and war baby".

Squeezing my fists together I said between clinched teeth. "Girl you better thank the heavens that I love you. If I didn't I promise you'd be wearing a bullet hole right between those beautiful eye's of yours. Fine Lotus, I give. You fucking win. I want kill them but you need to give me time to figure out what to do with them".

Smiling her bright smile she ran up to me and nuzzled her head in the crook of my neck. "Thank you baby. I love you so much. Your so good to me. Does my baby need some loving"?

Gripping her waist tighter I whispered "That's the smartest thing you've said all day. Yes baby does need  a lot of loving and I deserve the special tonight".

Nipping at my ear she crooned "and what is the special baby?"

Smiling I slid my hand down the back of her leggings and slowly dipped my finger into her forbidden hole. I watched as she gasped and her eye's got big. "Seven but we've never done that".

"That's about to change princess. Bottoms up".

Hands down that was the best lovemaking we ever shared. I was also thrilled at finding out Lotus loved our new sex adventure even though it took her some time to adjust to my size but once she did, she was throwing her bouncy ass back on me. My only concern now was what to do with her parent's but that could wait a bit longer. Right now I wanted to curl up with Lotus and get some peaceful rest. My heart was at its fullest knowing she was home safe and mine.

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