Jail Bird

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Yes, things was going amazing and we both was relishing in our new, young love. Inseparable we was.

Also I was amazed at how well Seven was doing. He lived honestly now. Gone were the days of stealing, breaking and entering, and all the other criminal activities he participated in. My Seven had transformed over night, not because I asked him to, but because of me. He claimed that I gave him new eye's on life, he saw things differently and I made him want to be a better person. Not to mention that when we finally announced our relationship to my parents he wanted my dad to like him. Accept him, and be a man that my dad would respect. Seven wanted to prove to my parents that he was good for me and had the best intentions where I was concerned.

Seven had been excited about starting college soon and chatted about it nonstop. His plan was to earn a business degree and hopefully land a job good enough to support us as well as help his mother out. I'd only met her twice and she was nice, however upon our first meeting she eyed me skeptically. Seven later told me she was concerned about our relationship due to who I was. She feared I would cause him trouble and hurt him before all was said and done, but I could never hurt Seven, he held my heart.

His mom worked two jobs  in order to keep them afloat. She was a janitor at the hospital and waited tables at night. She was a very pretty lady but you could see the worry etched into her skin from years of struggles. Seven took me to eat where she worked and that's how we met. He never would take me to his home. He joked and said my bedroom was bigger than his house, but none of that stuff mattered to me. I just wish he could see that. Often I would buy him gifts and he would flip. It bothered him that he couldn't afford to lavish me with things but his love was all I wanted. His friends took notice to his changes and started belittling him, claiming he was letting some rich chic change him but he never failed to put them in their place. He did the changes on his own. The only thing I did was support him, telling him that he could do it and offer encouragement.

We knew summer was coming to a close and that I would be going away to college. We was sitting outside a hamburger dive munching on fries and sharing a milkshake discussing how we would stay in contact when I left when the world as we knew it came crashing down on us. Two police cars came flying in and walked up to us.

"You Seven Lambardi?" The cop said in a hateful tone.

"Yes sir"

Jerking Seven up they placed cuffs on him. "Son your under arrest for breaking and entering, possession of stolen property, and trespassing".

"Wait, what? I haven't done nothing".

"Son the mayor's home was broken into this evening. We found the stolen items in your car back at Riccis garage. Mrs. McNally's jewelry along with some very valuable decor was pulled from your car".

I gasped as Seven looked at me in horror. "I didn't do this. Lotus you know I didn't do this. You know I didn't. Believe me Lotus".

Those was his last words as they carted him away and put him in the police car. He turned to look out the window at me as they pulled away, a pleading in his eye's. Standing there stunned I tried to absorb all the happenings. They said it happened this evening but I'd been with Seven since he got off work at two. I knew my parents had a benefit dinner to attend this evening so our home would be empty. Bottom line is that I knew Seven didn't do this but how to prove it was another story. Just then I glanced toward the back of the parking lot and saw none other than Josh standing by his car in laughter. Why would he be in this part of town? Then it struck me, Josh set Seven up. He despised Seven and always said it wasn't over. His parents was hosting the dinner my parents was attending so he knew my home would be empty  and knew the layout of my house. So did Seven as well. He had crept in my window plenty of nights plus hung out at my home when my parents was away but I knew he would never do this to me. Taking off I raced to the police department where my dad was already waiting to press charges.

"Dad, dad," I called running to him.

"Lotus whatever are you doing here".

"Dad your pressing charges against the wrong person. I know Seven Lambardi didn't do this".

My dad smiled and told me "run along bunny. You have no clue what's going on".

"Yes dad I do. I know more than any of you" I screamed at my dad for the first time in my life as I stomped my feet. My actions grabbed the attention of everyone there and eye's was glued to us. Glaring down at me he spoke in his no nonsense tone. "Lotus I'm telling you to stop this tantrum now, return home immediately and we'll discuss your punishment when I return".

I don't know what came over me but anger boiled my insides and a voice I didn't recognize came racing from my mouth. "I will not leave. Not until everyone here knows the truth. Seven didn't do this. I know because I've been with him all day. It's Josh Miller. He hates Seven and pinned this on him. I saw Josh myself when Seven was being arrested."

Everyone stared in shock as my dad gritted out. "May I ask what you was doing with the likes of him".

"He's my boyfriend. We've been dating the entire summer".

I could see the anger in my dad's eye's that he tried to conceal. "You do realize we just had dinner with the Miller's and this is strong accusations your putting on their son. Josh will be off to Yale soon and has a great future ahead of him."

"So does Seven dad" I spat.

A policeman interrupted us. "Sir, with all do respect I have to investigate this new information".

My dad stomped away as I followed him. We took a seat on the bench and I mumbled. "I'm sorry dad but I just can't let this happen".

Without looking at me he said in a ice laced voice. "We will discuss this later. Right now you have shamed me in front of the entire town. How dare you carry on with people like that".

I knew enough not to say anything back right now. We waited for what felt like eons for more information. I clasped my hands together as the officer approached us.

"Mr. McNally we have concluded the investigation and in fact your daughter was right. Josh Miller's fingerprints was found on the stolen items as well as on Mr. Lambardi's car. He is being placed in custody as we speak".

My dad politely thanked the officer and started to leave. Turning to me when I remained put he seethed. "Let's go Lotus now".

"I'm waiting for Seven".

My dad strode up to me and gripping my arm tightly pulled me out. Once home I was sent to my room. Eventually I was called down stairs where my parents waited. My mom wouldn't even look at me, to engrossed in discuss for me. Finally my dad spoke. "You are leaving first thing in the morning to a all girl school in France. Arrangements are already made so start packing".

"No, you can't do this".

My parent's just walked out leaving me in my tears not willing to listen to me. I picked up my phone to call Seven but found that I had no service anymore and my laptop had been taken. I tried to leave but my dad had his security watching my every move. The next morning I was placed on a plane to France where my new hell begin. This wasn't a school but a prison for girls that have lost their way. Gone was my clothes, makeup, and jewelry. I was given the same gray drab uniform as the other girls. There was no means for any contact here at all, however we did get our college lessons here.

The girls here were horrid people. None was friendly and were true criminals. The only thing I was guilty of was loving Seven. Within the first week I was beaten twice by different girls. I didn't know how to fight back, I'd never been the violent type. Soon I realized that I would need to fight back in order to survive here. Soon my bubbly personality, bright smiles and giggly ways were gone. What replaced them was fear, loneliness, and despair and a brokenheart. Love, hope, and innocence was no longer apart of my vocabulary. My father's pride cost me my peace.

Sin 2: Gluttony

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