A Friends Ear

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Seven and I spent the next few days talking about a possible future together and of course having  plenty of mind blowing sex. He kept his word though and didn't force me into leaving with him. I was actually astonished by the improvement in his behavior. He was really trying for now, thing is how long would it last. I know Seven too well and I didn't have much faith in him as far as controlling his temper went. Anyways we shared a sweet goodbye with promises to stay in touch and arrange visits soon.

That was two weeks ago and we shared texts, phone calls, and Skype throughout the day. Seven continued to show signs of improvement and had begun anger management classes. However my heart was in turmoil. I wanted to be with him badly but couldn't kick my fears. I know I vowed never to talk to anyone about Seven and his doings but I couldn't keep letting this fester inside me. It was on my mind so much I kept making slip ups at work or be off in space while Marcy would yell to snap me out of it. Many times Marcy showed concern for me but I'd just blow it off feigning sleepiness. But now I was at the point that I needed to confide in someone and Marcy had been such a great friend to me so I felt I could trust her. I asked her to join me for dinner later that evening. Was she in for a shock.

We met at our favorite noodle bar and I was having trouble approaching the subject so I was glad when she brought it up. "Girl what's crawled up your ass lately and don't give me that I'm tired bullshit. Girl your my friend and I'm just worried about you".

Dabbing my eye's I replied. "That's why I asked you out tonight. I'm holding in a big secret that's eating me alive and I need someone to talk to. I need advice, understanding, and just a friendly ear. First you must promise me you'll never repeat this to anyone."

Propping her chin in her hand she said "Girl you know I'd never do that. I'm here for you".

Taking a deep breath I began my story. I started off by explaining how I first met Seven, how we became a us. I explained how he was so caring and protective over me. Then I told her how he was set up, I told the truth and was sent overseas for doing so therefore ultimately breaking us up.

My hands trembled as I relived the next part. "My parent's finally sent for me. Upon returning I discovered that they had lost everything due to my father's dirty dealings. Rest assured though they had a plan to strike it rich again that involved me".

I stopped for a moment as my eye's welled up with tears. "They sold me to a very wealthy man".

I hung my head and silently cried. Marcy reached across the table grasping my hands. She was teary eyed as well. "Oh hunny, I'm so sorry".

Nodding my head I continued. "This man set me up in a New York. I went to work for some company and bumped into Seven again. This company happened to be his. He went on to school and made something out of himself. At first he hated me but after I explained what happened we kinda picked up where we left off, except things were different, a lot different".

Taking a sip of my wine I went on. "This next part gets dark and I need your full trust".

"You've got it girl".

"I was still tied to the man who bought me and Seven demanded me to tell him who it was but I wouldn't. Seven has always been temperamental, but now he was just ruthless. We were out one night and the man caught up to us. He wasn't alone and threatening to kill us. Within five seconds Seven had shot all of them".

Marcy's eye's widened as she gasped. For the first time since I met her she was speechless. Taking that as a cue I continued. "That's where my world was knocked off it's axis. I learned that Seven was the mafia. Not just connected but the boss, king, leader, Don".

"No fucking way Lotus. What did you do".

"Of course I freaked out for a bit and swore I would leave him alone but I loved him. I still do very much. I went back and things were perfect again but it didn't last".

That's where I filled her in on Agatha and what she did to me. Seven killing her along with the others. I explained how he locked my parents up and I  snooped down there and discovered Josh as well. Telling her the next part was very difficult but I struggled through it.

"Please Marcy before you say anything and judge him let me explain. Seven' s never been trusting and has several issues but the good part is he recognizes it now and he's getting the help he needs. After he freed me I was sent here with enough money to start anew. I owe my bakery to him. Now here's where Travis comes in".

Of course Marcy had met and new I'd been seeing Travis but she didn't know what went down or his true identity. "Travis lied to me. He worked for another mafia family that was hunting Seven. He knew who I was and that by threatening my life Seven would step up to my rescue."

I filled her in on the night it all went down as she stared dumbfounded. "Girl, I don't know how your keeping yourself together. I'd be a lunatic. I'm so sorry for all you been through and I wished you'd told me sooner so I could've been there for you".

"Don't worry cause it's not over. Before Seven left he asked me to marry him. I said no but promised to think on it. I do love him I'm just scared".

"You have every reason to be Lotus. Your love must be never ending to keep mingling with him. I want to tell you to run because I don't want to see you hurt anymore but only you know what to do to make your heart happy. Either way in here for you".

"Thanks Marcy. I'm going to need you. I've noticed a major change in Seven since he's getting help and I'm planning on visiting him in a month or two. I want you to go with me".

Marcy strangled on her wine and shook het head. "Me, in the home of the mafoa. I think not".

Laughing  I told her that I would be staying at a hotel myself. "Let me think about it girl okay?"

"Fair enough. And thanks for being here for me And listening. I feel so much better".

"Humpf, I'd feel so much better saying hell no I'm not going with you to visit the mafia but your my girl, I can't let you wonder off alone".

Squealing I ran around the table and hugged her.

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