The Dust Settles

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Hearing my own heavy breathing I felt the coolness of the concrete floor aginest my cheek. When the shot rang out I remember seeing Seven slump over then I temporarily blacked out. The buzz in my ears started to subside   and I could here faint voices and footsteps. Fear told me not to open my eye's and act as if I was knocked out in hopes whoever was here would let me be. Also I didn't want to see Sevens dead body. At the thought of that I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out. My Seven was gone and my heart was slowly dieing.

Footsteps was rushing toward me and I froze up. Someone was speaking to me. "Lotus are you okay?"

Feeling warm hands turn me over I recognized the voice of Hector. Opening my eye's I looked up at him and broke down. Pulling me close I held on tight to him as I wept. Finally I pulled away and saw a few men kneeling by Seven. Getting up I scampered over to his lifeless body. Bending down I placed my hand on his forehead as I wept. Hector patted my back. "He's going to be okay Lotus. We got here just in time and I was able to take Lawerence down. However Lawerence did pull his trigger but the force of my shot knocked him off his mark. Seven has a fleash wound on the neck. Nothing serious but it was enough to knock him out.

Hearing this news I collapsed on top of Sevens sleeping form hugging him tight. Hector interupted. "Lotus I really need to get him out of here now and have his neck treated".

Nodding my agreement I rose and let the men hoist him up. "Where are you taking him?"

"Back to the hotel. We can clean him up there."

"I'm going".

I followed the men out and climbed into the van cradling Sevens head on my lap. Taking my my robe off i held it against his wound. Once at the hotel they placed Seven on the table and I helped clean the wound. Afterwards Hector stitched the small gash up, smeared some ointment over it then  bandaged it up.  They lifted him once again taking him to his bedroom. Once he was settled Hector looked at me. "The men and I will be out here if you need anything".

Nodding my head, Hector walked out closing the door behind him. Double checking on Seven, I went through his belongings until I found a shirt and pair of boxers to sleep in. I made my way to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Spotting the ice bowl I filled it with warm water and grabbed a rag. I leaned over the bed giving Seven a sponge bath. Tears fell as I cleaned the dried blood and dirt from his neck and face. Sniffing I ran the warm rag over his beauitful, sculpted jaw. "Is your eyes watering". I heard his groggy voice say.

Laughing through my tears I crushed my mouth to his shoveling my tounge deep inside the depths. Situating myself so that I was straddling him I deepened the kiss more. I was kissing him like I'd never kissed before. His hand reached up and gripped the back of my head pulling me in even closer. I don't know what came over me but I wanted him out of his clothes.  Not taking time to fiddle with his buttons I yanked his shirt popping each button off. Seven released a deep growl and squeezed my ass. Breaking our lips apart I said in a breathless, husky tone "Are you up for this? I don't want to hurt you."

Laughing he whispered in that oh so deep voice "Please hurt me princess".

Sitting up I peeled his pants and boxers off then lost my bottoms as well. Climbing back on top of him I didn't miss a beat as I slid him inside me. As I did Seven released a hiss from between his teeth. This encouraged me to loose myself on top of him. I bounced up and down along his shaft as I grinded and twisted my ass hard against him. Seven gripped my hips to offer more force.  Pressure started to build up and my body trembled as I exhaled a lengthy moan.

"Damn princess your so beautiful. I must have died and gone to heaven. I don't deserve you".

When Seven said that I hushed him. "Don't say that. Your everything I ever wanted".

Seven finally found his release and we laid in each others arms just relishing the silence. The only sound was our breathing and drumming of our hearts. After several minutes of silence Seven rolled to his side and looked at me intently. The serious look he gave me made me a bit uncomfortable. Giving a shy smile I whispered "what is it?

Giving a chuckle he said. "You can't even play shy with me Lotus. Especially after what you just did to me. I've always loved your shyness though"

Blushing I remained quiet and Seven placed my hand into his lacing our fingers together. Looking deep into my eye's again he placed a kiss on top of my hand. "Lotus marry me?"

My jaw went slack. I was so not expecting that and wasn't sure how to answer. Feeling flustered and confused I rambled like a blubber idiot as my eye's started watering. "I-I can't, not right now. I d-don't know Seven, what. I mean...ugh. I don't k-know what to say".

Seven stared at me and I could see a bit of anger in his eye's. Sitting up I took a deep breath. "Seven I love you, I do. I'm scared of you though. What happens if you get upset with me again. Are you going to lock me away or worse? I can't live in fear and constantly walking on eggshells because of your temper. I know you love me but I hate being scared of you. Also I'm not fond of your job title. I don't know if I can live your type of life. The constant worry and stress that comes with it. Not only that but my business is here. I've finally found my place in the world and I don't want to give it up. I'm not saying no exactly but please just give me time to think it over".

Seven huffed out his breath and sat up. "I was half expecting you to say that. Just work with me on this Lotus please. I started anger management not long ago. I realize I have underlying issues that needs addressing and so far it's helping. I know my word doesn't mean much to you, but I'd never do anything to hurt you again. All I can ask is for you to trust me as I trust you. I'm making changes Lotus for the good. After I did what I did and you left my eye's finally opened and I know what I want. I will respect your decision for now but I won't stop trying. I Wil be asking you again. I'll be returning home in two days as well and I assume you will remain here due to your business?"

I nodded my head yes and mumbled "I'm sorry".

Pulling me into his arms he mumured "Baby you have nothing to be sorry for. I figured you'd shut me down this time but I will prove myself to you and now you know my intentions. I want give up".

Guilt rode my mind but I had to make sure.

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