Just a stupid made up word

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Present Time:

Shadow was standing on the edge of a cliff looking over at the rising sun. He was thinking to himself as he crossed his arms and sighed. Just then, he heard something. His ear twitched and he turned his head. He then focused his vision upon a pink, female hedgehog.
"Hi Shadow!" It was Amy Rose, Sonic's claimed girlfriend. "Mmm...," Shadow sighed, and looking back. "Watcha dooooing?" Amy asked, her eyes sparkling. "Just thinking," he said. He did not feel like talking to anyone. Especially Amy.
"Whatcha thinking about?" She asked, walking closer. Shadow was then getting annoyed. "I can tell you what I'm thinking about." Shadow then sighed deeply and asked, "Let me guess, it's Sonic, isn't it?" "Yep!" She responded, cheerfully. Shadow rolled his eyes. "Of course," he said. "Anyway, just telling you that I'm gonna see him again. Hopefully this time, he'll say yes when I ask him out on a date." "Why am I not surprised?" Shadow muttered. "Amy, I'm pretty sure you're just wasting every day of your life trying to get close to Sonic." Amy then looked at him. "What are you talking about?" Amy asked. "I love him. And I think of him every day." "Do you even know what love is?" Shadow asked. "Of course I know what love is. Love is the greatest feeling in the world. Don't you agree, Shadow?" Shadow then walked close to Amy.
"Love...," he began. "...is just a stupid made up word!" Amy then got shocked hearing those words. "Shadow...," she said. "Love is just a feeling that would only make you feel sad and hurt. It does nothing but make you feel like a fool thinking that that person is the one but that person isn't. You know why Sonic doesn't love you? It's because you are annoying and selfish! All you care about is yourself! You just want to chase Sonic so much because you're begging for attention!"
Amy then began to tear up. "No...that's no true...!" She sniffed. "It is true. Sure he may smile and wave at you, but that doesn't mean he loves you! No even like you! Who would like you? Who would?!"
Amy then fell on her knees in tears. "I'm sorry, Amy," he said. "But it's not me. It's love. That's all love is. So I'm sorry you feel hurt. All I'm gonna say to you is...just wake up." He then skated off into the distance. Amy put her hands on her chest, and cried loudly.
A moment later, someone ran to her. It was Sonic. "Amy? You okay?" He asked. Amy turned to him, pushed him out of the way and cried, "Why do you care?!" She then ran away, leaving Sonic staring in awe.

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