Dancing in the wind

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After the talk at the workshop, Shadow and Maria left. "Bye Amy! Thanks for helping!" Maria smiled. "Bye Maria," Amy smiled back. Shadow held Maria's hand, and they walked off. While they were walking, a cool breeze blew through Maria's hair. Shadow looked and saw her hair flowing in the wind. Maria enjoyed it. She shut her eyes and smiled. As they were walking through a flower field, Maria started running through it. She smiled and spread her arms wide, dancing through the field. Shadow stared and smiled at the golden hedgehog girl. Maria then sat in the flower field and picked up some of the flowers. She sniffed them and smiled cutely. Just then, a butterfly came and landed on Maria's ear. She giggled, feeling the butterfly's wings tickle her ear. Shadow then walked to her and sat on his knees next to her. Maria then held her hand, and they both smiled. The butterfly then landed on Shadow's nose. Shadow stared at it, blushing in embarrassment. As the butterfly kissed his nose, his nose and eyes twitched. And then, he let out a sneeze. "Ach-oo!" He sneezed. Maria laughed as he fell backwards into the flowers. The butterfly then landed on her nose, and kissed her nose. Maria giggled and sneezed too. She then fell forward and landed on Shadow. She smiled down at him as he smiled up at her.
"You're so beautiful, Maria," he smiled. Maria smiled back and blushed. "You may be deep and dark to your friends, Shadow," Maria began. "But you are also the nicest and cutest boy I have ever met." Shadow blushed. He would never think anyone would call him cute. Maria then laid her head on his chest fur, and snuggled. Shadow smiled and purred softly. Maria smiled and planted some kisses on his chest. Shadow moaned softly. He stroked her hair as she kissed. Maria smiled more. She felt so happy. As for Shadow, he had never felt this way with anyone before. He felt so good and happy and warm inside. He wanted to feel this way forever. It was amazing for his friend Maria to come back.
Meanwhile, Tails was studying in his lab. He was looking over Maria's body in an x-ray. Her skeleton was on a huge screen. Suddenly, his eyes widened. "Oh no...!" He said. "This does not look good!"

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