The return of the ultimate life form

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Rouge: *swoops in* *enters code to open a door*

Rouge: This must be it! I found Eggman's secret treasure! *walks to it*

*robot wakes up and sees Rouge unlocking the treasure* *liquid drains from capsule*

*Shadow clone wakes up*

*robot fires through the room and Shadow jumps and pushes Rouge out of the way*

Shadow: Stay here.

Rouge: Shadow!

Omega: *still fires at Shadow clone* Must eradicate all Eggman robots!

Rouge: Huh?

Shadow: *heads for Omega*

Rouge: *stops them* Hey, hold up! *exhausted*

*few moments later*

Rouge: Now I get it.... Now I know what this is all about.

Rouge: *looks at Omega* You're mad at Eggman for sealing you in this room. *Omega droops down*

Rouge: *looks at Shadow* And can't remember anything can you? *Shadow crosses his arms*

Rouge: Then it's settled. *brings them together* Now you two make up so we can start looking for Eggman...together! *puts hands together*

Rouge: Ah yeah baby! This makes us a team!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

All: *look down at defeated Eggman*

Omega: Eggman target completely destroyed.

Rouge: *walks down a hall* Now, let's find that secret treasure!

Rouge: *gasps at a room of Shadow clones*

Omega: *walks in* Prepare to destroy immediate area.

Rouge: Hey Omega.... Did I ever tell you that Shadow is a robot...and.... *ears droop* Oh, never mind...good luck.

Omega: You know about cloning...*Rouge stops and turns to him* ...the original must exist somewhere. *Rouge walks out*

Shadow: *crosses arms* *Rouge walks to him*

Rouge: All this for what...nothing! *Shadow turns to her* I might as well look for that master emerald, since that irritating echidna is here.

Shadow: Hah! Some things never change, do they?

Rouge: Whaddya saying? What else is a famous treasure hunter supposed to do?

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