Thank you so much, Silver

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Shadow flew out of Eggman's lair, but before he went home, he took a turn. "Shadow. Home is that way," she pointed.
"I know," he said. "I'm​ just gonna take care of something first. He flew to Tails's workshop and went inside. By the time they got inside, Shadow turned back to normal. The room looked empty. "Tails? Sonic?" Shadow called out. "I don't think anyone's here," Maria said.
Shadow walked to Sonic's room. He looked and saw Amy sleeping on Sonic. Shadow sighed, and walked out. He then took walked to Tails's room, and saw him sleeping. He walked out and walked to Maria. "Everyone's asleep," he said. "Oh," Maria said. Shadow took Maria's hand, and they both walked out. Shadow then carried Maria, and skated home.
When they got there, Maria saw something. She pointed at it and said, "Shadow, look." Shadow looked and saw Silver. Silver looked down in disappointment. Shadow walked to him slowly. He then heard his voice.
"Why is that I screw things up all the time...?" He asked himself. "I try to help...but all I do is make things worse...." Shadow stared as he spoke. And then he realized something. Silver has helped him out so much, and yet now he felt​ bad because he thinks it was all his fault. Silver teared up and choked up saying, "I'm just a disgrace and bring shame to all hedgehog kind...." Shadow then immediately walked to him. "No you aren't," Shadow said. Silver jumped and turned to him. "Shadow...," he said. Shadow smiled at him. "I can't thank you enough " he said. Silver looked curiously at him. "You helped me so much. I never realized you would do all this for me." "Of course I would...I helped me," Silver said. "That's different," Shadow said. "Well still, you know," Silver said.
He looked at Maria walking next to Shadow. She held his hand, and smiled at Silver. Silver's eyes widened. "Maria! You're alive!" He said. "Thank you so much Silver," Maria said. She walked to him and hugged him. Silver hugged back and smiled.
After the hug, Silver said, "I'll be going now." "What?" Shadow asked, his eyes widening. "I'm going back to the future. My work here is done." He smiled and opened up a space-time rift. "Wait!" Shadow called, stopping him. "Yes?" Silver asked. Shadow smiled again. "Thank you so much, Silver," he said. Silver smiled at them both. "You're welcome," he said.
He then flew straight into the portal, and the portal disappeared.

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